Anderson TL (1998). "Drug identity change processes, race, and gender. III. Macrolevel opportunity concepts". Substance use & misuse 33 (14): 2721-35.
These drugs are obtained with a prescription and require medical attention. The specialist doctor who knows best what treatment is the psychiatrist. Some general practitioners also prescribe psychotropic medications, but they must be specified mental disorders specialists.
The trend is the increase in frequency of use among young people, especially among girls at age 17. In general, consumption of these products is included in the rough girls than boys (11.8% against 3.7%). Girls are more likely than boys to use psychotropic drugs in an attempt to solve problems and alleviate suffering.
Edwards, Griffith (2005). Matters of Substance: Drugs--and Why Everyone's a User. Thomas Dunne Books. p. 352.
A psychotropic drug is prescribed by a doctor. After review, it establishes diagnosis and, if deemed necessary, determines the appropriate treatment to the health of the patient. The term of psychotropic drugs means those drugs that enhance mental activity when it is disturbed. This is of psychiatric drugs to treat mental disorders or critical commonplace. They are different drugs used in neurology as antiparkinsonian or antiepileptic drugs some anti-epileptic drugs are also used in psychiatry such as valproic acid. Sometimes hypnotics are not classified as psychotropic drugs.
Griffiths, RR (1995). Psychopharmacology: The Fourth Generation of Progress (4th edition). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 2002.
Psychotropic medication is in the great majority of cases of therapeutic practices. Any use is not problematic. Risk situations may occur in users of psychotropic medications, primarily related to possible declines in vigilance. The level of risk depends on several factors: a molecule (especially benzodiazepines), individual time since the last dose, combination with other psychotropic drugs (especially alcohol), occasional or chronic dosing. Broadly speaking, people in trouble with ...