Psychology Assignment

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Psychology Assignment

Psychology Assignment

Social Events And Their Impact

Events from 1900s

Civil Rights Movement 1955-1968

The Civil Rights Movement in America can be seen as a major social event that occurred in the United States of America during the period of 1955-1968. In fact, this movement was not only a demonstration to unite blacks and white community but also a way to bring equality of all citizens before the country's law. No doubt, civil rights movement proved to be a successful event of the 20th century brought significant social impacts on the society (Dierenfield, 2008).

No one can deny that Civil Rights Movement mainly impacted the African American Community with fruitful outcomes where the community received opportunity to vote and better education as well as jobs. It is also important to know that, in addition to the African American community, the White community of America also received positive effects of the Civil Rights Movement (Dierenfield, 2008). For example, it has been seen in the past that selling goods to whites only was less profitable deal even for the Whites' businesses. However, after the civil Rights movement, implementation of equality laws opened new doors of opportunities for all communities in America where many white businesses earned high profits by selling their goods to everyone. In addition, this movement also removed barriers for gender equality and gave more opportunities to women regardless of their ethnicity (Dierenfield, 2008).

Spread of Communism

It can be seen in the 20th century that communism emerged as a novel concept of governance in result of a revolutionary socialists progress (Sparks, 1998). This era of communism also had significant impacts on people living under communist system. It is a fact that communism ask individuals to produce or deliver according to their capabilities, however, individuals are free to receive as much as they need. This suggests that there are not enough benefits if an individual works hard in a communist society. In order to get more benefits, it is imperative for others to meet individual's pace of hard work. In other words, the impact of communism is very obvious on the society that individual efforts cannot make any difference in one's living standard. This also resulted in making people more dependent on the government and doing less work to get their share as people were not interested in making more efforts for which they had no hope to receive extra incentives (Sparks, 1998). In addition, limited opportunity of freedom of expression also had impact on people and affected their creative and innovative skills. It is also a fact that communism was a very powerful movement in Soviet Union or Russia where political freedom was also very limited that also resulted in poor political culture in the country (Sparks, 1998).

Woodstock Music Festival

Everyone knows about the connection between music and one's emotional, physical and psychological factors that have significant impacts on one's well-being. The Woodstock Music Festival is also one of the most popular social events in the United States that gathered huge audiences and brought many social impacts ...
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