Psychological Therapies

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Psychological Therapies


Guidance and counseling are very critical responsibilities. When a client signs up with a counselor then his welfare becomes the responsibility of the counselor. The counselor should always stand by with the code of ethics of his profession. No action of the therapist in any way affects his client negatively. It is very important that right approach which is best an the favor of the client is followed by the therapist to carry out the therapy session.Psychological Therapies

1.(a)Being empathic is being able to understand feelings or emotions of another person either by imagining his feelings or by relating them with your experience. A counselor better understands the emotions of his client if he could empathize with his situation. For example if a child comes to a counselor for the reason that he feels shy whenever he is subjected to a new environment then the counselor would be better able to understand the situation if in his childhood he has suffered the same problem.

(b)It attributes to regard other person's behavior or situation without taking it personally. You do not have to approve off the persons behavior but just accept his actions. In counseling it is very important that the counselor is not judgmental but extends understanding and positively regarding client's situation to take him into confidence. Consider a patient who has survived an accident but feels responsible for the death of others in it, so it is important that the counselor extends positive attitude to the patient instead of making him feel that the patient is being unthankful for life.

(c)It is a very interesting phenomenon of counseling situations in which the client starts comparing his therapist with some personality who was of some importance to him in life. If the considered personality had positive effect on the client than he tries to please his therapist as he would have pleaded that original person and this could be of great help for the therapist. But it could also be some negative personality and this could make the treatment difficult for the therapist.

(d)Anxiety is the involuntary physical or physiological reaction of a person about a situation. If the anxiety symptoms are physical then counseling therapy is recommended. A counselor may encounter a patient who is suffering from anxiety symptoms after the sudden death of a close relation or something.

(e)Projection is a defensive attitude of a person in which he refuses to believe in the truth about him and blame others for it. In counseling situation it is necessary that the counselor does not inflict his feelings onto the clients because it will fail the process of counseling

(f) These are the unfounded beliefs of a person about a situation or person or about his own self. These may be formed by witnessing others experience. Persons own mind can also be the originator of such beliefs. A counselor may have to treat a patient who beliefs that swimming in a pool is fatal because he has seen a person ...
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