Pros And Cons Of Face Book

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Pros and Cons of Face Book

Pros and Cons of Face Book


There are numerous websites on the Internet that now allow people of all ages to conceive their own profiles in alignment to rendezvous other persons who may or may not reside besides it (Wagner). Face Book, a well liked communal networking sate amidst school scholar, averages 250 million strikes every day. The newspapers has been considering the dangers of communal networking sites more often in the latest months; this has led to numerous persons wanting to ban social networking sites. (Kapp, 2006)



Before communal networking sites emerged, persons easily utilized brief talks and note boards. One of the first message boards was created in 1978 by two IBM workers. Ward Christensen and Randy Suess were discussing the newsletter for their computer hobbyist club, which was always looking for articles to publish. Christensen figured that it would be convenient to download all the articles onto a central computer and then put them into a newsletter. They then decided to replace the club corkboards, which was a place that members could leave a message for the club to read by writing it on an index card and posting it. After two weeks they conceived the Computerized Bulletin Board System (CBBS). (Goff, 2006) CBBS quickly became popular and hundreds of users began to discuss many different topics. As the Internet became popular, CBBS became unpopular because of things such as blogs, email, and online newsgroups.


Within the past year it has been common to turn on the news and hear a story about something that involved a social networking site, such as Face Book. The stories range from teens getting killed to raped. In September, a 16 year old girl was followed down by a 37 year vintage man who had befriended her on Face Book. The man abducted and molested her. Two other males were arrested in Connecticut in March for having sexual contact with minors whom they met on Face Book. It is events such as the two listed above that are making people question the safety of social networking sites. These events are being reported increasingly in the news in the past few months. After hearing about such things, parents would like to ban social networking sites in order to protect their children. That is a drastic measure that is unnecessary. (Carlson, 2006)

The topic sways tens of millions of Face Book application users, encompassing persons who set their profiles to Face Book's strictest privacy settings. The users break Face Book's directions, and improve questions about its proficiency to keep identifiable data about its users' undertakings secure. The difficulty has binds to the growing field of companies that construct detailed databases on persons in alignment to track them online. It's unclear how long the breach was in place. On Sunday, a Face Book representative said it is taking steps to "dramatically limit" the exposure of users' personal information. Many peak submissions on Face Book have been conveying identifying information ...
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