Suitability of the Promotional Tools and Media Used In the Campaign9
Promotional Practice Report
ExxonMobil Corporation is the largest international Oil and Fuel Company. It is more than 125 years of excellence of Exxon Mobil in the energy sector. It has enormous resources of oil and gas. Focusing on the world's need of energy, they apply science and technological innovation to find safe and orderly way. Exxon Mobil adopted vertical integration strategy. The company believes in powerful research and development which makes them compete in the global market. Exxon Mobil does not compromise on the quality and believes in manufacturing featured product.
This paper tries to explore the marketing and promotional strategies use by Exxon Mobil to attract the potential target market and retain the current customers. ExxonMobil Corporation is a subsidiary of the world's number one business, Exxon Mobil, is one of the world's biggest oil companies. ExxonMobil Corporation ranks first or second in producing numerous petro corporations, encompassing benzene and toluene, as well as polyolefin for example polypropylene and high-density and linear low-density polyethylene.
With merger of Exxon and Mobil in 1999, November 30th the new company came. These two organizations was the big success of Standard Oil trust at the beginning it was created in 1870, and the creator of this organization was John D. Rockefeller. The time passed and the day came when Standard Oil was broken up as a Individual power (Monopoly) through the order which was passed by United States Supreme Court in 1911, with other Large or leading companies; extraction of crude oil was its living. In 2008 the company had a total reserve of 72 billion barrels of oil. With the consumption rate of current scenario it is estimated to exhaust by 2022.
The business components are building blocks which makes an organization specialized and state its purpose of existence. Specially in past twenty-five years business across the globe have changed dramatically, which have made it necessary for businesses to make its component comprehensible and wise (Kotler 2008, pp. 67).
Being the world's leading the company, Exxon Mobil has its Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat. Exxon needs to be careful identifying SWOT. The correct identification will help them to grow enormously.
Internal Strength
XTO energy acquired by Exxon
Highest exploration the quality
New research and Development
Diversified Revenue Generation
Internal Weaknesses
High-debt ratios and declining cash flows
Declining oil reserves in the world
Law suits and Contingencies
External Opportunities
Increasing demand of crude oil
High oil prices
Demand of shale gas
External Threats
Uncertainties in oil producing regions
Higher production cost
Environmental hazards
Throughout the history, Exxon Mobil have been involved in various marketing communication practices in order to enhance the market share in the oil and gas industry. The most renowned marketing campaigns of the Exxon Mobil are CSR programs in various countries, sponsoring the Porsche Mobil 1 Super cup, Green Marketing campaigns, and ExxonMobil foundation finance specialist laboratory for diagnosis of malaria in Ghana ...