Project Team Guide

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Project Team Guide

Project Team Guide


Companies are proposing project management as a broad- brush approach for formulating plans and taking care of daily business. In other words, project management is becoming a piece of organisation managerial philosophy, like total quality or customer satisfaction or lean management (Arbaugh 2002). While developing a project team for an I.T. intesive company, it is important that the strategies that involve the planning of the project should be effective as it will describe the success of the project management. For the project management, it is significant that the tools and the techniques from planning to delivering the product to the ultimate consumer should be efficient and effective (Andersson 2002). This guide serves to present the important aspects of project management for an I.T. intensive company. The guide presents the scope, purpose and objectives of the project, a start up plan, staffing, resource acquisition and training aspects, a process model, and guidelines for testing.

Purpose, scope and objectives

For the IT project team it is imperative to determine the scope, purpose, and objectives of the project. This would involve setting the deliverables, setting specific objective, and establishing schedules (Andersson 2002). It is important that the objectives are in line with the established business mission, vision and goals.

Start Plan Forecast

Indicate the approximate cost and the project schedule and resources required for its completion and the confidence of each prediction.

Identify the methods, tools and techniques for determining the cost and project schedule and resources for its implementation.

Indicate the sources of data and forecast evaluation mode (analogy, rule of thumb, accounting features, cost model, historical database, etc.)..

Indicate the methods, tools and techniques to be used to reassess the cost and project schedule and resources for its implementation (Junarsin 2010).

Indicate the number of employees needed and the following information:

the number of employees by skill level,

the number of employees and skills according to each phase of the project,

the duration of personnel requirement.

Indicate the source of the staff (internal transfer, hiring, subcontracting, etc.).

Use as needed, Gantt charts, resource histograms, spreadsheets and charts to illustrate the staffing plan as skill level, the phases of the project, the different skill levels and project phases (Waldner 1992).

Staffing for the Team

This is the most important aspect of the project team guide. This involves assigning the roles and responsibilities of each of the project team member as per the goals and objectives of the project. In the I.T. driven company, the staffing and roles would take place in a specified hierarchy.

Resource Acquisition

Indicate the plan to acquire the resources and goods needed in addition to the staff at the project.

Describe the process of acquiring resources.

Indicate the assignment of responsibility for all aspects of resource acquisition.

Indicate the acquisition plans of equipment, hardware, software, contractual services, training and transport facilities and administrative services as well as cleaning and maintenance.

Indicate in the schedule, the timing of acquisitions.

Identify the constraints inherent in the acquisition of resources.

Add, as appropriate, elements to this subsection to reflect plans to acquire other ...
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