The JCT Practice Note number 4 of series 2 set the partnering background, which point out that is realize the requirement of a completely new agreement form where the notion of partnering / collaborative is overt. Different approaches related to collaborative and partnering working are being reviewed under JCT, which then established a Joint Working Party with Be in order to create a JCT/Be contract on the basis of the Be Collaborative Agreement and Terms. Constructing Excellence then carry on further this joint enterprise in accordance with Be becoming division of the organization and its endeavors formed the Project Team Agreement (CE/P), JCT- Constructing Excellence Contract (CE) and Guide (CE/G). The documents that are reviewed to furnish answers of exercises of different weeks have been developed with the contribution from local authorities, institutions and other clients of public sector particularly so that specific needs related to JCT - Constructing Excellence Contract can be identified and meet (Constructing Excellence, 2009).
Week 4: Exercise
1.1. How does the contract reward or permit those to benefit who finish the contract early and / or under the target cost or to better quality than that defined by Client and User and Performance Requirements?
The answer of the question can be found in the “Completion and Rectification Period (clauses 3.7, 4.3.2, 7.27 to 7.29 of the Conditions)” which deal with completion certification, the payment of early completion bonus and legal responsibility in respect of liquidated damages. It is clearly stated in the guide that if the contractor manage to complete the project before the agreed deadline while maintaining the desired quality in the target cost than a specific percentage shall be paid by the client to the contractor. Contract particulars' part 1 set out the criteria if client is entitled to pay the bonus for early completion or liquidate damages for delayed completion. However, there is also a need to consider the appropriate nature of damages as per late completion (Constructing Excellence, 2009, pp. 17).
1.2. Who decides if the goals set in Stage / Phase 1 are achievable, and at what stage, and how?
Both client and suppliers should review and determine if the goals set in Stage / Phase 1 are achievable. The collaborative approach in this regard has been utilized in accordance with the common framework to decide if goals set in stage or phase 1 are achievable. At very early stage, both client and supplier become aware about the real life situation of the goal achievement. The goal achievement has usually been determined through the availability of resource, time and capital. However political, economical and environmental situations also help in determining the goals' achievability (Constructing Excellence, 2009, pp. 3-5).
Week 5: Exercise
1.3. At which Stage does the Architect/Contract Administrator become formally involved in the contract?
During a project team agreement the Architect/Contract Administrator become formally involved in the contract. Project team agreement usually formed during the early stages when a client determines to ...