Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management


Today's rapidly changing technological and business environment has given multiple benefits to businesses and changed the way of managing projects (Cleland & Roland, 2006). There is no doubt about the fact that modern way of project management has allowed businesses to improve their ability to make decisions related to IT investments, plan their projects in an efficient way and control projects leading it towards the progress of meeting goals. Project management includes planning a project, implementing, controlling and identifying tasks and goals which are to be achieved (Cleland & Roland, 2006). The paper highlights the project management process of business cases that relies on the effectiveness of network diagram in ensuring the smooth execution of the project. The paper also discusses the project management process, skills and capabilities of the project manager, the project lifecycle stages, and the control issues of the project management process. It highlights these areas keeping in view the case of Inesta PLC.


Network Diagram and its Purpose

In business, the activities must be carried out under a predetermined order, and network diagrams facilitate the representation of the relationships of priority, logical and sequential succession. To obtain a suitable network diagram, we have activities that can be easily identified, with start and end, as they relate to each other and with a specific time to perform. Any network or diagram allows continuous monitoring of works progress, goals and targets, according to the schedule, noting also the shortest path of execution without sacrificing quality. This is verified that the networks come to be a set of mesh or graph associated tissues that allow preferences relations between activities, allowing access to the union of points where the curves are made (Cleland & Ireland, 2007). PERT graphically simulates the complete project which marks the time when the specifics of a job should be started or completed and is in turn the activities to be performed.

Researchers explain two kinds of project networks. The first one is arrow diagram (activity on the arrow) that shows the nodes related to events and an activity. The send type of network is predecessor diagram (activity node) that represents the activities in the systematic manner in which they occur. The relationship of A and B can be seen as an event node. These event nodes can be referred to an instant where activities begin as well as end. The event node takes place when all the activities meeting he node have been finished (Meredith & Samuel, 2003). The network diagrams also help the management to get up speed quickly. In place of memorizing the network overtime, a technician has a quick reference to turn to which allows the new technician to be a productive part of the team.

Project Management

Project management can be defined as a planned effort to accomplish a particular project. (Cleland & Ireland, 2007). A successful project can be evaluated on the basis of these steps. Professionally, project management should be carried on the basis of different projects and the goals which are set ...
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