Product Placement In Video Games And Films

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Product placement in video games and films

Product placement in video games and films


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts and figures related the effectiveness to use product placement in video games and films as a marketing strategy.


Product placement is the use or the company's product placement in film, television, print media, theater, literature, computer games, or radio show. It is also the use of the name, company logo during the program. These names or subjects are integrated into the action and content of programs as needed props. However, not all appear in the product or brand can be considered as product placement. The unfortunate placement of a product or to use an inappropriate name, emblem, and mark on the screen may cause the company to be exposed, to ridicule or damage to property. This implies a violation of personal producer. For placement in film or television program are most suitable products for everyday use. Nearly every contemporary movie "play" cars, the heroes always have something they drink, eat, wear clothes of a particular brand, they stop at the hotel, meet at the restaurant (Williams, 2011).

Product placement is often used to promote products whose advertising is restricted by law, such as cigarettes or alcohol. "In fashion" is the last placement services, such as Federal express in the movie "Cast Away". With the development of product placement opportunities, the list is constantly growing. Companies are looking for new forms of reaching customers, due to the accumulation of fatigue recipients of advertising messages and their weak interaction (Simon & David, 2006).

Statement of Research Question:

Research Question

According to brand awareness, is it effective to use product placement in video games and films as a marketing strategy?


Product placements are often effective in video games and films as a marketing strategy because the brand awareness for public is increased, and they do return money for companies and producers.

Statement of Interest

Product placement is the inclusion of consumer products or services for promotional purposes in television (TV) programs and films (Nebenzahl & Secunda, 1993).The use of product placements has induced interest of marketers for several years. I am very interested in producing film and advertisement. Nowadays, product placement is increasingly popular as a marketing strategy to make more profit for companies or producers. To exploring this question, I can benefit from the results by getting some deeper understanding of how to use product placement as a marketing strategy. For future reference, I will know if a company should invest product placement into movie or video games to promote their products.

Audience & Purpose

The reason why I am doing this research is to explore consumer attitudes towards major product placements in video games and movies .The initial audiences are the instructor, the TA and my classmates. The audiences are advertisers, marketers and people who use it as a marketing strategy. The results of this study are also important for public awareness of product ...
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