Industrial Placement

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Industrial Placement

Industrial Placement

Introduction: The aim of the report is a potential area to focus improvement

Hospitality and tourism management education (HTME) world, the rapid growth in recent years (Brotherton and Wood, 2008) is an important development in higher education. The nature and purpose HTME (cars and Johan, 2008) about the academic community together with the supply growth was the increase in interest. Perhaps the most important issue is that the hospitality and tourism (Turkson and Riley, 2008) is relevant to the needs of training programs. At the same time, to work in the hospitality and tourism in recent years the emphasis is placed on understanding the key management skills, experience, special, with special emphasis Sherton Award Manager (Raybould & Wilkins, knowledge base, for example, hotels in question, 2005). This Irish study has two main objectives in line with these fundamental issues. The first graduates and employers, the most important skills to work in the field of hotel and tourism industry if there is a consensus among the review. Second, the employer and alumni satisfaction of graduates of educational experiences for the development of these skills, to explore the relationship.

Hotel Profile

Sheraton Hotels and Resorts (Westin is the oldest), Starwood Hotels & Resorts, the largest and second oldest brand in the world. White Plains, Starwood's headquarters in New York. back to 1937, Ernest Henderson and Robert Moore, Springfield, Massachusetts, acquired the Stonehaven Hotel historical origins of the brand. Chain couple "Sheraton Hotel" is a neon sign on the roof, saying, big and heavy and very expensive so I had to change the name of the hotel he had bought other early. Instead, we decided to look for the name of the entire hotel. Henderson and Moore's three hotels in Boston, along the east coast in 1939 and had continued its rapid expansion opening properties. New York Stock Exchange in 1945 was the first hotel chain listed.

In 1949, the Sheraton has expanded internationally with the purchase of two Canadian hotel chains. In 1960 1963 in Caracas, Venezuela, in Tel Aviv in February 1961 with the opening of the Sheraton and the foot of the Sheraton Macuto outside of North America saw the first Sheraton hotels. The Sheraton had opened its doors in 1965 100. Multinational ITT, then known as the ITT Sheraton chain in 1968, bought it.


The importance of performance measurement for decision-making organizations in general is not very good tradition of hospitality management, but it is documented in the field of management accounting. Moreover, although the literature of general management in the context of clearly defined performance measurement is a phenomenon in general, service companies and a limited number of detailed studies of the performance measurement practices in the hospitality industry in particular is. Therefore, an autonomous community in the context of performance measurement practices Sherton purpose of this study to explore the North Cyprus hotels.

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Research-based "what-how-why" dimensions of performance measurement point of view, three groups of reviewers - employees, middle managers and senior ...
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