Problems of Encrypted Computer Data and the Regulations Governing Decryption
Problems of Encrypted Computer Data and the Regulations Governing Decryption
The process of encryption is the procedure of transforming information in an encrypted figure. This procedure is performed because the original message can only be obtained by a person who has ability to decrypt it into an original from. The process of encryption is widely used in association with electronic data, whether the data is saved on a computer or sent out over a network. This network can be a secure or an unsecure platform such as the Internet. The tools of encryption are broadly obtainable and can be used to protect important data; this may range from single files to entire hard disks. The tools of encryption can also be utilized to protect computer operating systems, communications infrastructures, information transmitted over the Internet; including emails, Internet Protocol and VoIP. (Schneier, 2007, pp. 101-105)
There encryption system and tools have boost the criminal activities. Several countries are dealing with the threat of computer and cyber crimes; generated from the encryption system. In addition, the encryption system has also provided great assistance to the fraud and phishing activities through internet. The aim of this paper is to enlighten the use of encryption system in computer crimes. This paper also discusses the regulations formulated by government of UK and other countries in order to counter the threat of such criminal activities. (Kahn, 1999, pp. 123-140) The reliability of an encryption depends upon the strength of an encryption technique and its tendency to avoid any unauthorized breach. The security experts ensure that that there are algorithms which are very powerful; if these algorithms are operated effectively they can be hardly breached.
The security of encrypted data depends mainly on the selection of algorithm and length it's key. Such as personal details saved in a medical database would need the protection by a powerful algorithm along with a prolonged key. Because the medical database possess crucial information and the owners of database cannot afford the unethical breach into the information. However, with the passage of time and the sophistication of computer technology many intruders have identified weaknesses in algorithms. The algorithms which were considered secure some years before are perceived weak today. (Sinkov, 2003, pp. 133-145)
Discussion and Analysis
How Encryption Functions
Encryption functions by converting a plaintext message or an original message and transforming it into cipher-text. This function is performed using an algorithm known as encryption algorithm and an encryption key. Traditionally, encryption operated on alphabets. The Caesar Cipher is the ancient technique that represents encryption and its operation in the history. In the Caesar Cipher used encryption algorithm to reinstate every letter of alphabet with that x places to the right of the letter. Here the x encryption was used as a key. The cipher-text was easily convertible into the plaintext format by using the decryption algorithm and the decryption key. In the process of decryption every letter of alphabet was replaced with ...