The research on Computer Crime Investigations Forensics and Tools and Technology article has covered a short outline from Journal of Forensic Identification. Some parts of the research were interesting and elementary for a non-tech or tech savvy on providing reference on computer forensics and other related computer fields.
The Research has presented an opportunity for research of my choice in Computer Crime Investigations Forensics and Tools and Technology by preparing keys points, to define the business research and its purpose, explain the business problem(s) under investigation, identify the parties involved in conducting the research and describing the method(s) used to conduct the research.
Research and Purpose
The Computer Crime Investigation Forensic Tools and Technology research and purpose is, "basic categories of evidence established: live versus dead systems; logical versus physical analysis; the dispersal of evidence over networks; the complications from encryption, data fragmentation, steganography which refers to the practice of concealing a text message inside another file, usually a photograph, anonymity; the importance of procedures and protocols. Unlike some other pontificators about computer investigations, this recognizes that the term "forensic" puts us in the legal arena, and the there are too many aspects of this technology for one person to master them all" (Journal of Forensic Identification).
Problems under Investigation
The authors provide problems under investigation such as crime reconstruction practices and explain the importance of terms familiar to those involved with forensics: comparison, source identity, and significant differences. Second, material under investigation is the technical computer network auditing tools that are preinstalled in many systems. The Microsoft products encountered task of recreating electronic evidence in a Unix environment and how tricky it is when built. The electronic evidence in a Unix environment and the effects on data from hardware selection and the differences between SCSI versus IDE disk drives. Specific have been given to Locard's Exchange Principle in forensic science, which enlighten you on Trojan Horse attacks through a network. The Federal Rules of Procedure and Evidence, how the risk of spoliation comes about electronic and failure to properly ensure its preservation can lead to sanctions and fines.
More investigations consist of other topics:
1. Child Pornography Investigations on Local Area Network (LAN)
2. Computer Forensic Evidence
3. Internet Gambling
4. Intrusions (Hackers)
5. Product-Centric
6. Commercial off the shelf Software
7. Technical Computer Network Auditing
8. Artifacts of Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
9. Electronic Devices (PDAs and Palm Pilots)
10. Wireless Networking
Parties of Research
Editor Eoghan Casey, John Patzakis, who is an employee of Guidance Software, the maker of the Encase product, Edward M. Stroz, CITP, CPA, CFE that was the former Supervisory Special Agent with the FBI and founder of its Computer Crime Squad in New York conducted this research. He is now the President of Stroz Friedberg, LLC, a computer crime consulting and professional services firm.
The Internet is growing explosively, as is the number of crimes committed against or using computers. As a response to the growth of computer crime, the field of computer forensics has emerged. Computer forensics involves carefully collecting and examining electronic evidence that ...