"Police officers are usually the first to reach emergency scenes. Consequently this type of training is essential for our instructors to gain practical experience," said Training Wing's acting Chief Inspector Stephen Ma Chak-wah, head of the First Aid Training Division. "They in turn will train frontline police officers who also need to practice and upgrade their first-aid skills(Russell, etal., 2006). To this end, the Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation training programmed which over the past three years has been providing frontline officers with first-aid training, has evolved into Phase II of the programmed - Basic Life Support/CPR Training." (Russell, etal., 2006)
Phase II training includes the introduction and use of the new Force standard first-aid kits; Unconscious Patient Management where officers learn and practice the skill of dealing with subjects who are unconscious; as well as training in how to conduct an effective body survey to determine the extent of injury to casualties.
"Head-to-toe body search skills are particularly useful in traffic accidents, personal injury cases and incidents involving collapse," said acting Chief Inspector Ma. "Frontline officers must learn how to perform a head-to-toe body survey on an accident victim checking for bleeding, fractures and so forth(Ferry, etal., 2005). At the same time, because traffic accidents often lead to spine and neck injuries, it is extremely important our officers be trained to deal with these."
Police Dog Training
Police dog training is important to get the police dog to perform its assigned role that includes prevention of crime as well as going on operational patrols. In addition, police dogs need to track as well as search for criminals from scenes of crime because police dogs are more effective than a single police officer as it is able to scent humans from many hundred yards away, ...