Planning And Enabling Learning

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Planning and Enabling Learning

Planning and Enabling Learning

Initial Assessment of Learner's needs

It is essential to understand the needs and requirements of the learners. It helps to understand that whether learners are taking correct course at correct time. It also creates mutual bounding between learners and teachers to meet the external boundaries, expectations and goals during limited time frame. Students are motivated in this way and see the bright future from their aspects. Students and teachers should mutually agree on many points in order to create the educational environment to achieve specific goals. We need to understand that some students require extra support and help to run their academic career. They are choosy to select subjects and need help many times. Initial assessment helps when learners enter into the new program. It is the start of the career in which we start to develop the picture of the student's career. It is necessary because many learners have high level of skills than others. Diagnostic assessments help in gathering information from initial assessment. There are certain procedures which should be followed to help the learners in motivation for their career.


We should try to involve the learners to do the assessment. This will help them to take active part and increase their motivation and independence. It is also required to build their self- esteem and sense of self-worth. It is also essential to recognize their strengths and achievements and just not pointing out their weaknesses. Students' initial and diagnostic assessment should be their own aspirations which include their career choices and aspects of everyday life. Assessment should be made on the basis of their particular context of learning.

Documents and Records

Documents and records give the idea of the achievement and weaknesses of students which also include non-academic certificates and awards.


Discussion and interviews help the teacher and students to know each other. It also helps to see the feedback of their assessments.

Scheme of Work

Function skills are essential to develop in students. Functional skills may include English, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and mathematics which help students to work efficiently and confidently in life. Communication is the major key of success for teachers. We need to overpass and eliminate all the challenges and barriers in order to have proper communication. This will help me and my learners to understand proper ideas and concepts of their programs. I am deciding to talk about learner's course book individually and in a group to solve their issues. I can also guide my learners to choose books which are easily available in library. I need to focus on my experiences and I believe that negotiation is one of the key factors which help in creating schemes Linda Wilson (2009 p212). Negotiating always bring outcomes. My proposal of training is related with my specialty for 8 hours.

Initial assessment tools

Initial assessment tools enable the educators to have relevant information about the learners' present level of literacy and numeracy which is measured against national ...
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