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Perspective Based Comparison

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Consumption of a luxury car from information-processing perspective and the experiential perspective

Consumption of a luxury car from information-processing perspective and the experiential perspective


From the perspective of information processing, learning takes place: i) by developing conditions practice (number of repetitions, repetitions of distribution, variability of practice, interference between rehearsals, decomposition of the ability to learn in subroutines or ii) by manipulating the availability of information before, during and after the movement (presentation of models, bio-feedback, knowledge of result, knowledge of performance) These problems relate to several issues such as: i) the content and the language of motor control, ii) the contribution of peripheral factors, such as elasticity and muscle viscosity and iii) the resistance to external disturbances not provided. Thus, the core of the cognitive approach to the study of human behavior is the belief on the mental representations as legitimate part of the subject matter of psychology. The level of analysis level representations would be a separate, independent and not reducible to other levels of analysis, whether scientists (as might be the neurological, sociological or historical) or lay (the level of analysis of conscious experience or phenomenological).


His description of these representations (using concepts such as outlines, mental images, rules, strategies, etc.). and the manner in which it operates them constitute the main focus of theoretical analysis from this perspective, proposing both empirically verify their existence as that which is predicated on them (its structure, processes and transformations that are subjected, the relationships established between representations and between representations and external behavior, etc). The representational level would be inexcusable and an element in giving account of human behavior, whether it is observable or not observable (Kirezli, 2011).

The analysis of the theoretical assumptions of different approaches highlights the diversity of possible pathways to study motor skills. This diversity seems to us to be preserved because each approach has its limits. It is the combination of lights that will advance understanding of the mechanisms underlying the production of complex motor skills. However, the implementation approach requires the identification of common issues of concern to different approaches. These problems are realized, in particular, the type of task studied. Indeed, each approach has explanatory power for a dominant type of task or problem (Ivan, 2011). Thus, defining a specification for choose skills that lend themselves to an approach is identify the elements that must be considered simultaneously to analyze the mechanisms underlying the ...
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