Personnel Activities (Team Building)

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Personnel activities (Team building)

Team Building

Team building is integration of groups that make each individual its members. These members know their strengths and weaknesses. Team building a purposefully organized activities that result in the enrichment of relationships in the group, this group of building, integrating and networking among its members, cooperation, trust and even friendship, getting to know each other beyond the everyday context. (Goodman, 1999, pp. 265-283)

Person activity within organization

Despite its importance, research on building teams has lagged behind other work on teamwork in organizations as municipality. This is in part because most research on teamwork starts with the assumption that the team already exists in municipality. At the most basic level, building a work team involves specification of the work to be done, selection of members in municipality based on the skills and knowledge required to complete that work, and use of effective techniques for recruiting members who will contribute to team effectiveness.

In municipality, one important dimension of work with implications for building teams is interdependence. The interdependence concerns the extent to which a task can be completed by municipality people working separately versus together. Work with low interdependence in municipality can be completed either by an individual without any assistance from others or by a number of individuals working independently or then coming together for a final product. Work with high interdependence requires members of a team to work closely together, share and integrate their knowledge and skills, and generate a collective product or output in which the input of particular members may be difficult to discern.

Once the team's task is understood, the next key challenge is identifying the “right” people for the team in municipality. A critical goal is to align individuals' knowledge and skills with the requirements of the team's work. Building a team with the ...
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