Personal Skills Development

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Personal Skills Development


Team role

Team role is the name of the function, position or task, which got a team member, assigned within a workgroup or on the basis of existing aptitude and performance priorities over a team or group dynamics within the team, has been formed.

About the importance of team work and on ways to improve the effectiveness, in teams from a wide variety of both academic and practice-oriented literature, these essentially three different approaches:

Reasons for the team performance through the analysis of team composition

Investigation of the team processes that determine the team collaboration

Analysis of team performance as a result of complex interrelationships

One of the most influential works in the field of composition of the team includes investigations of Professor Meredith Belbin. Belbin analyzed in the 70 years the results of teams of students from Henley Management College. He focused on the influence of the composition of teams from different personality types on the effectiveness of teamwork. He identified eight different roles in the "Belbin Team Roles" are known to become model summarized. These team roles are derived from the behaviour of team members, which are determined by their personality and character traits. According to Belbin the ideal management team should consist of eight members, each of which occupies one of the eight team roles. This combination should help the team members through their various skills to the best against each other. Each team member knows the situation in which it can contribute most to the team performance and where it can build on the strengths of others.

Belbin Team Roles at a Glance

Team role

Post role


acceptable weaknesses

Innovators / inventors

brings new ideas

lateral thinking

often lost in thought

Pioneer / switchman

developed contacts

communicative, extroverted

often too optimistic

Coordinator / integrator

promotes decision-making

self-assured, confident

can be perceived as manipulative


has the courage to overcome obstacles

dynamic, works well under pressure

impatient, likely to provoke


examining proposals for feasibility

sober, strategic, critical

lack of ability to inspire

Team worker / teammate

improves communication, reduces friction losses

cooperative, diplomatic

undecided in critical situations


sets plans into action

disciplined, reliable, effective



avoid errors, provides optimum results

conscientious, punctual

over-anxious, reluctant to delegate


provides expertise and information

self-cantered, committed, expertise counts

is often lost in technical details

According Robbinza, the factors determining the effectiveness of the team can be divided into four main categories: context, the team, the design of the process. Let us now consider these categories in more detail. Before that, I want to note that the performance is to be understood by objective measures of team performance, evaluation of its activities, as well as aggregate job satisfaction.

The team must also have a clear structure, that is, all its members should be aware of what functions they perform, what time frame they are facing, and what kind of people skills required. It is believed that better distribute the load as evenly as ...
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