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Personal Revolution Essay

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Personal Revolution Essay

Personal Revolution Essay

Writing proficient English is a pure artistic ability. It takes time to develop oneself as a talented writer. Let it be any setting; at school, in organizations, or any other place, somehow or other, we come across situations, which demand us to write something and write it effectively; in such a way so as to enable readers to understand the proper meaning and the context of how and what individuals writes (Mills, 2006). Effective communication requires effective writing. In my school days, I was an individual, with good communication skills but poor writing skills. This deficiency caused me considerable troubles many a times, forcing me to seek gradual development as a writer. No doubt we all know how to develop proficient writing skills, it is the novel that we cannot put aside, it is the poem that do not forget, it is the speech that he can make a difference in our lives and change how we look at this life, it's that note in a position to spark enthusiasm in our souls and lead us to work, it is the message that speaks (Gerald, 2005).

The writing in the field of business is different from writing in other fields, language used and realistic, and a clear point of view. The acquisition of talent to write well for people who are writing an integral part of their work is a great help to these people, with an indication that writing well is not something easy or simple, so that the book veteran can go through moments of weakness and inability to write, but like any other skills can be to promote and develop the practice continued.

When it came to writing, I felt the testing situation. I was the only Hispanic in the class. I was fluent ...
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