Personal Model Of Leadership

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Personal Model of Leadership

Personal Model of Leadership


This paper intends to discuss the four levels of personal model of leadership. The four levels include values, behaviors, meaning and purpose and contribution impact.


Personal leadership models refer to combining the characteristics that are exclusive in order to explain what is required from oneself. This might include person's attitudes, doubts and hopes eventually leading towards the measurement of success as leaders. In today's busy life only a number of people give importance to the leadership models of their own (Richard, 2006). However, when there is a burst of opportunities there is always a chance to look inside and evaluate our own personal model of leadership.


In order to make a sound foundation of the model of leadership, values are the first thing to be considered. Values are the basic virtues representing quality priorities. When people work, they take their core values with themselves to the working environment already present in that particular organization (Don, John, 2007). Pure values are admired by everyone. The basic values for my personal model of leadership would include flexibility, humility, integrity, innovativeness, efficiency, and courage.


Flexibility refers to not being rigid to personal ideas. This means a person must always have the willingness to listen to others ideas and understanding them rather than being convinced that no one else can ever be right. Showing flexibility leads to making oneself available to all the new ideas presented by others. Understanding new ideas and moving on with the time is always necessary. Leaders need to show flexibility in order to make their organizations grow.

Humility refers to not being selfish, admitting where one is wrong and influencing others by the power of truth. Humility is considered important in order to live within a society and make oneself admirable by the other ...
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