Personal Development Plan

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Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Plan


The purpose of a personal development plan (PDP) is to implement a number of improvements. But the PDP is more than a plan. This is actually a contract you enter into with you and possibly your employer. You agree to take steps and actions to your personal development. This plan can be brief or largely developed, the way you want. But in any case contains the following elements: purpose, action, results, planning, assessment and possible support.

For many people who are serious about success, goal setting is a must. However, many do not set goals for the area of their personal development. People normally have financial goals, health goals, career/professional goals, spiritual goals and relationship goals. However, they have no goals in regards to their personal development. This is not ideal because as you get more and more caught up in achieving your goals, you will unconsciously neglect learning & improving further. For this developing a personal development plan is essential. One must design a personal development plan to ensure effective development in career, education and relationships. The plan will demonstrate an evaluation of an individual's level of skills and will identify their strength and their need for development to ensure success in their academic and professional field.

Strategic Learner

Strategic learning is defined as the appreciation of the scholars in this area as a set of cognitive processes, procedures and skills that occur when the student tries to learn a significant and involves a content-type processing informed, deliberate and self-regulating. It is the process by which the student chooses, coordinates and implements procedures to obtain end related learning. Consequently, one might note that it is the process where the student acquires a series of cognitive skills and strategies to facilitate future learning, which are used in a conscious way to achieve a particular purpose "learn" (Martin 2002, 67).

This type of learning is a constructive internal self structuring, reconstruction of cultural knowledge, internal reorganization schemes which enters imbalance, occurs when what the student already knows what you should know, facilitating mediation or interaction with other pairs. In addition, for the construction of structures made by the individual employs self-reflexive processes, which is why that metacognition plays a fundamental role in autonomous learning (Jung 2005, 634). It is essential to become a strategic learner, to become strategic in the learning approaches as it helps in building and developing vital skills. The personal development plan is created in such a way which promotes and enhances the strategic learning abilities of an individual.

Learning and Learning Styles Models

The term 'learning style' refers to the fact that when we learn something each of us uses its own method or set of strategies. While specific strategies vary according to use what we want to learn, each of us tends to develop a global preference. Not everyone learns the same, or at the same speed is not new. In any group where more than two people begin to study a subject together and based ...
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