Personal Development Plan

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Personal Development Plan


This report is a personal development plan, showing the current skills and knowledge, including assessment of my strengths and weaknesses. Personal development plan is for me an opportunity to understand myself better, I can achieve what I want or I want to go to achieve the plan, in the short term or long-term, but also determine the skills, knowledge of the needs or capabilities. My position as a mental health student required a great deal of responsibility that I had been striving for that involves a lot of hard work, communication skills, knowledge, and patient dealing.

My job involved dealing with mentally ill people, and requires patience and hard work as this work is not easy. It requires 100 percent focus towards the patients without any distraction. I had to keep an eye on all the patients and the damages that had occurred from violent attitude of patients.

This paper will own my engagement as an expert student nurse, and reflection of my knowledge and for the past year and a half, with exceptional focus on module called Foundation of intentional practice. As a student nurse, accomplishing expert measures is absolutely crucial which are called "domains". There will be a Personal development plan assembled to underscore what I have accomplished and wise in my ongoing vocation as a mental wellbeing student - nurse. (Schon, 1991)

As a mental health student, it is my job to provide the high standard of care to patients and educate all nurses in order to define what exactly their role is towards their actions in the clinical setting. I see myself responsible and accountable for the NMC Code of Conduct (NMC 1983).

Finally, I will conduct self and peer assessment of accurate self awareness to demonstrate my personal development plan as a struggling practitioner. PDP is a life for me hence I will explain the value of PDP at the end to acknowledge my lifelong learning with personal experiences.

Personal Development Plan

Development is to nurture, shape and enhance their skills, knowledge, and my best interests to ensure the effectiveness and adaptability, and to minimize technological obsolescence and redundancy that might affect my career. This does not necessarily mean that the upward movement, on the contrary, it is about improvement and makes personal skills use at every stage of my career to my full potential. In this personal development plan, I will be what my strengths are and focus on my weaknesses, but also should know how to deal with mentally ill patients. I'll go with my strengths, in the future, I know how to develop my weaknesses and that is my core strengths.

Domain 2.4: Formulate and document a plan of nursing care, where possible in partnership with patients/clients significant others within a framework of informed consent

Sub Section 4 = Demonstrate skills of active listening, observation, reporting and recording information in the assessment process.

(NMC 2004a)

I have taken my experience of conducting an interview with patient regarding this domain because I believe to know you patient ...
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