The company's overall objectives and principal business activities specified it is necessary to manage the indicators; activities will be completed to resolve the layers of the target, while the correlation between the indicators, indicators assessment focused. Such as the company's performance management system construction, as the company as a major goal of the year, in this goal, HR and other business sectors to help performance management system bears responsibility for the implementation of landing. So if it cannot complete the implementation of performance management system, then there may be different situations, to form different indicators, and ultimately falls on different departments.
Although the Chinese government in the use of performance management tools for a lot of fruitful exploration, achieved some success, but also there are some additional problems. Thus, according to China's actual situation and learn from the experience of the world, based on the urgent need for China's current government performance management, continuous improvement and optimization (Boudreau, 2006).
The first is to assess the technology itself to the performance should have a scientific attitude. As the complexity of government performance itself, it is impossible to assess the true performance of the government to make a completely accurate assessment of performance. Objectively speaking, the accuracy of performance evaluation is relative, and the ambiguity is absolute. If the applications of its technology, we make extortionate demands, the result is not only disappointing, but also to some extent, causes people to question their own performance evaluation tool. Because of this, the current trend is more of a performance assessment tool to identify problems, and, its measurement is not necessarily accurate, it may be ambiguous, or even just a judge. If you solve the attitude problem, we avoid a lot of the questions raised by its users.
Second, from a systematic point of view is the design of government performance evaluation system. Performance evaluation is not a simple index system and evaluation methods built. A formal performance appraisal system must be clear. At least, it should answer the following questions: Why assessment of what, who will assess and how assessment, and these issues should be formed between the organic link and the corresponding relations. Although the assessment may not have a unified model, but there must be systematic, scientific thinking and logic (Hay Group Study, 2011).
Third, a performance management system is for continuous improvement and optimization. Practice shows that a robust performance management system is in use, in continuous improvement and perfection. Therefore, should not be prematurely questioned on the performance management system, but should be combined with the process of organizational development and organizational change in the attitude of the members of the original a performance management system is involved in a serious analysis, looking for reasons. They are targeted to be improved and perfected.
The fourth is to strengthen the construction of government performance information system. Performance evaluation of the content, the final analysis, is an assessment of the information, if the ...