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Performance Assessment

Learning Standards for grades 9-12 Math

At the approach of the twenty-first century, the Board of Regents approved a new set of learning standards for New York students. They represent the core of what all people should know, understand and be able to do as a result of their schooling. As such, these learning standards are to form the basis for a re-vision of education in New York.

With this re-vision, children may expect an intellectually powerful education no matter where they live; in which teaching, assessment, and the provision of supports for learning are to be closely linked; and in which schools and parents share the same high expectations of grades 9-12 Math.

The New York State Learning Standards are broad, long-term goals for your pupils' education in each academic subject while the Core Curricula identify more specific, shorter-term goals for each subject and grade level that will be useful for writing objectives for a lesson or unit (multiple related lessons). The Core Curricula recommends what to teach and the Learning Standards provide the rationale as to Why to teach it.

The Core Curriculum extends the key ideas and performance indicators of Standard 3 to additional grade-level blocks of grade 9-12 Math. Suggestions for grade-level content are given for each performance indicator. Suggestions of relevant assessment items or classroom activities are provided for each performance indicator. More examples of assessment items can be found in the Test Samplers and pilot tests. More examples of classroom activities can be found in the Mathematics, Science, and Technology Resource Guide. None of the documents just described are meant to stand alone. They should be used together.

Mathematics curriculum and assessment of mathematical proficiency based on the mathematics standard of the Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science, and Technology revolve around the seven key ideas. The mathematics standard ...
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