Performance And Leadership

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Performance and Leadership


This research paper provides the research on the relationship between transformational leadership style and, performance. This paper is initiated with the introduction, and then there is a detailed literature review with research questions, hypothesis, research problem, methodology and conclusion. This paper represents a null hypothesis which will be rejected after certain supports from the leadership theories. The paper also represents the Mc Porter leadership strategies which are the commonly used strategies of the organizations. In the end, the paper will represent a conclusion, which supports the research outcomes. This paper will provide discussion on organizations, which are providing different services and, purpose of this paper is to give guidelines to the managers, and consultants of the for-profit organizations. This paper will also provide information after research to the managers so that, they improve their leadership styles and enhance team performances. This paper will initiate with definitions, conceptual overview, and literature review of the proof based applications of management in organizations.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1- Introduction4


Research Question6

Research Problem6

Chapter 2- Literature Review6

Introduction to Literature Review6

Utilization of Different Leadership strategies8

Cost leadership Strategy8

Differentiation Strategy9

Focus Strategy9

Decision making10

Choosing Best Decisions10




Relationship between leadership and performance13

Communication goals14

Theoretical Framework15

Research Hypothesis16

Hypothesis 116

Null Hypothesis16

Chapter3- Methodology16

Research Design16

Target Population17

Research Instrument17

Research Outcomes18

Research limitations18



Performance and Leadership

Chapter 1- Introduction


Leadership is the ability to lead a team which, can be based on a number of team members either technical, non technical, managerial, non managerial and other staff. The leadership's ability is also dependent on various key skills. A leader always wants that, people follow him not, because of the fear of the leader but, feeling of respect cause people to follow his ways. We can found leadership in each sector or organization and, in different fields. Without leadership, an organization is blind and, cannot produce any outcomes. Leadership is always selected by employer and top management. Leader should possess such skills, which can be implemented where ever required. It has been researched that successful leaders did not take any special training from any institution. It is just considered as a state of mind or personalities which make them successful leaders (Whittington, J.L., Goodwin, V.L. & Murray, B., 2004). If we ask a question that “can leadership be taught” then, we may not find any answer and, we do not need to argue but, we can focus on good leadership skills.

Leadership is considered as the essential element, which has affected organizations from early ages. Though, this concept was old but, there is the need to discover more things in this regard. There are certain questions how leadership affects organizational culture, climate and performances. The most research in aspect of leadership is found in for-profit organizations. The research in several organizations is increasing especially in human service organizations but, there is still a finite amount of research is present which provides insufficient knowledge in order to guide performances and, leadership styles (Whittington, J.L., Goodwin, V.L. & Murray, B., 2004). There are administrative and behavioral attitudes with different practices and strategies, in order to ensure service outcomes (Fisher, ...
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