Peace Keeping Operations

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Peace Keeping Operations

Peace Keeping Operations


According to UN Charter, function of the UN is “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war”. In the UN history while attempting to accomplish this pivotal role met tremendous challenges resulting continues failures than the success. Hence in the aim of proposing suitable reforms, the function of the four types of UN missions will be predominantly focused on reforms, which subsequently lead to propose necessary improvements to the United Nations, including the UN Charter, resources, staff members, logistical support, support from regional organizations and armed forces in order to perform organize and appropriate with adequate capabilities.

Shortcomings and Factors That Need To Be Reformed

As in the past with the UN, the success of the reforms will depend on the ability of the body to get its member states to comply and support the reforms of the Brahimi report. While a quick and superficial analysis of the situation might suggest putting more power in the hands of the Security Council, this cannot provide for eventful member compliance. The UN is made up of 191 members. Unfortunately, the case of the UN needs to “sold” to the people of the member states (in certain the more wealthy members). For instance, there has never been a member expelled or punished in a lesser manner for not paying its dues. The United States has withheld them at various times for different reasons. Justified or not, this type of behavior impedes peacekeeping operations and states have to address these issues in the General Assembly. States that do not contribute their fair share need to penalize so this type of behavior will be discouraged in the future. However, it might be also necessary for the Secretary General to speak over the heads of world leaders and directly to the offending country's citizens to pressure their government to act properly.

Comparison with Brahimi's Findings

As the Brahimi Report points out, there needs to be specific UN doctrine intelligence gathering abilities need to be established. In addition, a rapid-response capability needs to be established with appropriate troop levels but as a diplomatic force. Further, opportunity to be studied to implement employment of regional organizations in PKO missions (as NATO conduct) under the UN control and observation. Much of the proper resources, staff members, logistical support and support from regional organizations and armed forces will be determined on a case by case basis, but the doctrine for this must be put in writing so that a template is available when a crisis arises.

Contribution of Previous Panels

Member States Contribution and Commitment

Troop's contribution for the peace operations depends on the wish of the member nations, and it is a voluntary contribution. Some members support operation with troops and some are supporting with other means also observed number of weakness within those peace keepers like lack of professionalism, poor training, incapability to act as peace keeps etc (mission in ONUC and MNF), which means members contribution is not equally distributed, which same identified by the Brahami reforms as “force ...
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