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The objective of this paper is to provide the valuable comparison of various dialects of Java programming language, including JavaScript, which is not the true variant of Java programming language. The various Java tools such as Java beans, Java applets, and JavaScript, have their advantages and disadvantages, all these areas are explored in this paper, including usage both within the web page and as the stand-alone medium. The overwhelming purpose of this paper is not to convince reader that one programming method is better or superior to other, but to provide necessary information needed in choosing the programming language that will fit an existing programming or development need. (Connolly and Phillips 1999)

Language is the system that combines of vocal sounds and meaning. Such the system is used for expression or communication of thoughts and feelings. Although listening to and understanding connected speech is effortless tasks in daily life, it is not well understood how human language comprehension system processes and integrates the wide range of linguistic information within milliseconds. (Chwilla et al 1999)

With respect to syntactic and semantic processing in sentence comprehension, two main classes of psycholinguistic models have been proposed to account for behavioral data: modular, syntax-first models, and interactive models. Syntax-first models assume that parser initially builds the syntactic structure on basis of word category information independent of lexical-semantic information and that thematic role assignment takes place during the second stage. If initial syntactic structure and thematic structure cannot be mapped onto one another, reanalysis is needed in final phase. Interactive models claim that syntactic and semantic processes already interact at an early stage. Despite agreement that syntactic and semantic information has to be integrated within the short period of time, two classes of psycholinguistic models differ in their views on temporal structure of integration processes.

Recent brain image research provides support of an integrative view that syntax-first aspects of language processing take place in an early time window and interactive aspects of language processing happen in the late time window. For example, Friederici and Kotz reported the series of studies that used similar stimulus materials and applied different techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), event-related potentials (ERP), and magnetoencephalography (MEG) to both healthy subjects and different groups of lesion patients. The combined findings led to the brain-based model, in which language comprehension is subdivided into three functionally and temporally separable processing steps: initial local structure building in first phase, lexical-semantic and thematic processes in second phase, and syntactic integration and revision in third phase. (Bates and MacWhinney 1999)

Body: Discussion and Analysis

History of Java Script

Comparison of syntactic parsers and Symmentic parsers

In 1995, Brendan Eich, an employee of Netscape, created JavaScript and first shipped beta version of what was called Live Script, later renamed to JavaScript, was released with Netscape Navigator 2.0. JavaScript is the client-side scripting language created out of need “for web designers, who do not necessarily have the lot of programming background or skills”. JavaScript is an interpreted language and only requires the browser to interpret ...
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