Parents Involvement In Special Education

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Parents Involvement in Special Education

Parents Involvement in Special Education


Parents have continual and never ending interest and involvement in the special education of their children but, what creates a differentiation here is the ability of the parents to further than or against the conventional and implicit norms of the appropriate responsibility of parents for their children's welfare and well being. The involvement of parents is subjective in its very first nature and really challenging to assess (Madison, 2005). Thus, in this research paper, a mechanism would be provided by which the involvement of parents in the special education of their children is evaluated from an approach known as ethnocentric approach. In the research study, several different parents would be selected by interviewed and teachers of the special education on the basis of a questionnaire that is semi-structured. A concise note of the case studies that leads to a framework of conceptual parent involvement would be presented to review in the research. The involvement of parents in the special education of their children is connotated as doing something beyond the natural capacity through compromise and perseverance of self interest for their children in special education, which may impose some positive influences on parents as well as on other children.


The researcher was interested to taking up a study by observing the interaction of teacher-parent in a special education school. It was originated that some parents were very concerned and articulate about their children and were considering their children's interaction with teachers of that school assertively. Particularly, one parent was found with the disagreement with special education teacher that she made a full effort for their solely child for performing him well, but an adequate support was not provided for the progress of child's special education. In contrast, some parents were very moderate and careful listeners of the special education's teacher and were totally satisfied with the evaluation of the school regarding their children's progress reports. Such incidents give rise to a wide range of questions to answer in a person's mind.

For finding out the reality, a methodology of semi-structured interviews was decided to take in which 35 parents were interviewed during the first round and during the second round, an approach of free-responses were used with just 3 distinctive parents (Merriam, 1998). An approach of case study was also used in a perspective of critical ethnographic. Qualitative analysis formed the basis for data collection and then analysis, whereas, quantitative data was used for relating the responses of parents as well as the grading of the student's progress were also taken in quantitative analysis. The interviews were conducted for parents in the school in which 1500 students were studying in 1 to 12 grades and the sample was based on a rational procedure and selection. All the 35 parents were welcomed for the one to one interviews individually and it was really interesting that all of them attended the interviews despite of the weekend at the premises of ...
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