For every child who is diagnosed with special needs have a prescribed plan of action known as an IEP, or individualized education program. This is an action plan that is designed specifically for each child who unveils education plan to meet each child? S needs. This is because the law, a bill known as PL-94-142 or the Act on the education of all children with disabilities in 1975 (Gargiulo, 2006). It requires a free and appropriate education of the public for all ages of students with disabilities by three 21. This bill covers a wide spectrum of special education and has six key elements that are important for understanding the impact of this law has had on education throughout the year.
Key elements include: a free appropriate public education, least restrictive environment, an individualized education plan, process, evaluation non-discriminatory, and parental involvement (Gargiulo, 2006). The first part, a free public education means only that all children should receive an education that meets their needs without cost to parents. The second, the least restrictive environment: children with disabilities are educated with students without disabilities as much as possible. The third phase, an Individual Education Plan is a document designed specifically for each student with a disability. This document outlines the educational goals that meet students' needs. The next part is processed. It gives parents more rights with a degree of confidentiality, a written notice and a fair hearing when disagreements among children? Learning occurs. The fifth part is a non-discriminatory assessment. This ensures that the evaluation is not biased based on race, culture or language. The last part requires parental involvement in decision making for their child?
Since this law was passed in 1975, there have been many additions and modifications have been made. One fact reauthorizations PL 99-457 in 1986, extended the benefits to include early intervention with infants and toddlers with disabilities ages birth to three years (Gargiulo, 2006). It is important to be able to detect potential problems with children early and provide intervention and support.
The next reauthorization PL 101-476
He covered a wide range of issues. The importance of preparing young people for life after school is recognized and required each student to have an individualized transition plan as part of their IEP (Gargiulo, 2006). He added that social work and rehabilitation of additional services provided and recognized autism and ...