Education plays an important role in developing a good personality and polishing the abilities of the person. This report has taken into account history of studies concerning the importance of preschool education in psycho-social boom of children and the importance that such education for their future years as a regular student. Thus it is expected that all information gathered to develop this research is successful and it is meeting the objectives. However it is rightly said:
"A timely care in early childhood is a guarantee for good development of a human being a child's success in school depends on the experiences in their first years of life. Before a boy or a girl reaches school, from the womb or from the family environment might be factors and, conditions that affect later development”.
The following discussion is of utmost importance as it aims to clarify and expand the aspects of the need for the child to receive a good education that impact on their psychological development, because this stage is when their occur changes in the child at all levels of his personality, and that's when we have to give more attention to the manner in which the child develops, that kind of care you receive and apply through teaching strategies for optimal classroom school progress.
This research has mainly benefited children entering kindergarten because they receive an education according to their needs, develop self-esteem achieved certain basic skills and behaviours, allowing them to easily integrate higher levels of social life and an education system more advanced.
Child Education Implementing the School Environment
Among the contributions that this work leaves the area of education may be mentioned the improvements in the intellectual and emotional development of the child joins the pre-school, where teachers are given the task of creating social behaviours that help you perform better in the environment around them, making the small gain experiences that influence attitudes toward the learning process, the concept that the child has of himself, and the ability to form and maintain social and emotional problems in the future.
As a first step, if that is sought is a model with a more social, education is one of the best tools for the distribution of income, since the salary to be received by a skilled job, as it is technical or professional will represent a higher level of income, thereby decreasing the gap between social classes and therefore the inconsistency of the lower classes, that represent a large proportion of the total population becomes a breeding ground for the formation and growth of rebel groups in arms.
Due to the low coverage of education, the demand for less skilled jobs is very large compared to the demand for jobs requiring a certain rating, the posts mentioned first are undervalued and therefore is not for the salary these involve real effort, as educating and preparing human resources not only have to extend the coverage of education, ...