In this study we try to explore the concept of Parenting Style in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Parenting Style” and its relation with its importance and impact on children development and upbringing. The research also analyzes many aspects of Parenting Style and tries to gauge its effect on children. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for Parenting Style
Parenting Style
Parenting style or Parental installation, or position - one of the most studied aspects of parent-child relationship. Under the parent installation means a system or set, the parent of an emotional relationship to the child, parent and child perceptions of behaviors with them. The concept of "parent style" or "parenting style" is often used synonymous with "positions", although it prudent to retain the term "style" to describe the attitudes and appropriate behaviors that are not linked specifically with the child, and characterize the attitude towards children in general (Dwairy, 2006).
There are two key dimensions, two important factors in raising children in early childhood. Two factors are those that produce a positive education and positive family relationships, and success in development and social adaptation of children, children
Parenting styles
Parenting styles that parents use with children were classified into four types:
Authoritative (Democratic)
Educator (teacher, parent) is aware of its importance in the development of the child's personality, but behind it recognizes the right of self-development. Soberly understand what requirements dictate, and what - Discuss. Within reasonable limits is ready to reconsider its position to compromise (Erdfelder, 1996).
From the help of democratic parents children think about the affects of thoer behavior and learn to defend themselves. These are type pf parents who give their children reasonable and clear explanations and expectation. They are used to monitor ther children to make sure that they obey expectations and rules. They do iit in a loving and warm way. Often they try not to force them for bad but they try to catch children being good to reinforce good behavior. For example: those children who leaves their toys on the stairs or somewhere do not be harsh on them just say do not do that again because I might get over them and get damage and hurt the toys. (Erdfelder, 1996)."
Those children who has democratic parents are been given choices according to their abilities. It could be the choice between striped or red shirt in young children. It could be choice between an orange and apple in younger children. Democrative type of parents are those who guid children's behaiviour not by punishing but by teaching them.
Passive (Liberal)
Adult appreciates the child thinks it excusable weakness, easy to communicate, trust the opinion of the child is not inclined to prohibitions, restrictions and controls. But on the shoulder, whether the child exist in each age its own characteristics, and a small child liberal parenting style more harm than help (Felson, 1989).
Most of the control is given to childen who has passissive ...