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The study of paranormal events and abilities is exclusive in that the name granted to the discipline suggests the anticipation of findings that are after what one might normally have expected. Science is the procedure by which we learn about the various aspects of our reality in a systematic and effective way, unfastening up to the possibility of new discoveries, abilities, and experiences.(Emmons, 321) Science applied to paranormal phenomena can be described the same way, so where does all the controversy arrive from? Inherent in the idea of studying that which is after or outside the laws of ordinary science is the implication of an anticipated finding, a pre-existing expectation. That is, scientific investigation into the existence of paranormal phenomena comes with its own hypothesis: that there exist phenomena that stray from the laws of ordinary science.(Carroll, 56)



Critics of parapsychology and other paranormal studies can issue out the bias that comes with a area of scientific investigation that is based on the assumption of events happening unaligned of accepted scientific laws. Those who would advocate for paranormal studies might issue out that all science is investigation into the relationship between the renowned and what has yet to become known. When all linguistic conflicts have been set aside, to discover the distinction between the normal and the paranormal is the fundamental task of all scientists, skeptical or otherwise.(Richard, 186)



To validate any paranormal phenomena requires that we are able to discern reality from illusion as we investigate anecdotal evidence. Skepticism is among the most ancient philosophical traditions, and it has been engaged in various areas of considered and science for good reason. The integrity of an observation or claim comes from its ability to withstand attempts made to disprove it.(Carroll, 56) In this way, question is not the foe of paranormal studies; question is the background that gives contrast and delineation to our findings. According to Frazier, "Today skepticism is essential to the very lifeblood of scientific inquiry".

General skepticism that is not applied with discretion becomes a self-defeating attitude that stunts all scientific investigation before it begins.(Richard, 186) For the scientist to refute the possibility of something simply because it has not yet been established is to refute all scientific investigation altogether. The phrase "paranormal" refers to phenomena that are outside or after normal know-how (Kurtz 5), so a pre-packaged set of negative ideas about paranormal studies is unscientific and illogical. All findings were, at one time, paranormal.

On the other hand, question is necessary if we are to separate real paranormal occurrences from delusions and hoaxes. Researchers of paranormal events and abilities find themselves in a realm full of much distraction and falsification.(Emmons, 321) The subjective know-how of an individual who claims to have had a brush with the paranormal is subject to a broad range of factors that can compromise its credibility. Experiences, abilities, and encounters that are apparently paranormal might be explained in ways that are not in any way outside the scope of ordinary science.(Carroll, 56)

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