Outdoor Food Venders For Festival

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Outdoor Food Vendors for Festival

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction3

Purpose of the study3

Background of the Study3

Chapter 2: Literature Review7

Chapter 3: Methodology10

Research Method10

Literature Search10



Limitations of the Research12


Chapter 4: Conclusion14


Chapter 1: Introduction

Purpose of the study

The main purpose of this science research shall be to interpret the use of outdoor food vendors for festival and the purposes that how, why and as shortly as corporations hire the food vendors from outside?


Background of the Study

Many individuals in the mobile food vendor business consider November through March the off-season. During the cold and wet winter months a food vendor operator, whose income is bought via operating at outdoor occasions e.g. fairs and festivals, might placed his or her food booth in mothballs and take a much-needed break from the business. For several months these lucky vendors take time off and enjoy the pursuit of other activities. Not until early hop do they begin gazing forward with enthusiasm to prepare their equipment and schedule occasions for the impending food vendor season (Schlosser, 2001).

This enviable labour schedule doesn't befall via accident. When considering a food vendor begins upward, fresh vendors lack to look at the great picture. They lack to plan for how they thirst their business to influence their lifestyle, as well as how much money they thirst to make.

Receiving all the benefits the vendor business has to offer containing, but not limited to, replenishment time, a cash income, and person independence, comes via seriously considering all the decisions a begin upward must make. By understanding the pros and cons of each option, and diagnosing how each decision is interconnected, a vendor can control the course of their enterprise. For example, a food vendor's business and person targets must determine the best menu to serve. Their choice of menu has great carrying on the manner of booth they must use. The manner and size of food booth they have would in turn influence which venues they can work. All of which determines the amount of money they are likely to produce (Mariani, 1991).

Therefore, the first stair in planning your vendor start-up must be serious and in-depth "soul searching". Start via asking yourself these questions:

1. What is your purpose for conception a vendor business?  Do you lack else money to produce ends meet? Is your vocation at risk? Is your nest egg derisory for your quickly approaching retirement? Are you semi retired and thirst to remain active whereas adding your fixed income? May be your teenage kid lacks to increase money for college. Do you thirst a business in which the complete family can labour together? Maybe you are hard to employ, or are a adrift spirit whoever wants to be to responsibility for your possess employment.

2. What do you eventually expect to achieve from you vendor? Or, how much capital is enough? Will an else ten thousand dollars provide you a more satisfying retirement, or is fifty or one hundred thousand dollars lacked to replace your current ...
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