Organizational Structure

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Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure


Thomas Industry Limited is an electronic industry which deals with producing electronic products. The target of this company was to produce electronic products in a cheaper rate than other electronic companies. In order to do this, company should focus on improving the performance of the company. For this, the company selected to improve the performance of the company by changing the organizational structure of the company. The structure would be decentralized in which a new general manager position will be introduced. During this position, the employees will report to the General Manager as there was a problem for employees to report to the management. As this new century unfolds, it appears that one of its defining characteristics will be an accelerating rate of change. This is neither a particularly insightful nor controversial observation but one that is very important to the modern organization.

Thomas Industry Limited before and after the pilot programme

Identifying the Mediators or Levers Pilot Program

The framework of Thomas Industry Limited change should define are those elements inside the company that are partly or wholly within the control of leaders and that will have the most significant impact on individual, group, and outcomes. It could be argued that because such change levers exist within the bounds of an organization and are manipulated by members of the organization, they should also be classified as autogenic forces and not a separate category. While this is technically true, the fact that these aspects of Thomas Industry Limited can be directly designed or influenced and have a system-wide effect on companies outcomes sets them apart from other autogenic forces and makes them a focal point for leadership intervention (Burt, p. 67).Some of the more commonly cited change levers are: mission; vision; strategy; structure; systems; technology; and culture, From this list, culture and strategy stand out as having the greatest potential impact on positive organizational change ((Mumford, p.78). These two factors have additionally been found to be the most transformational in nature, having the greatest systemic impact on an organization. A relative newcomer to this list is the structure of informal relationships or social networks within Thomas Industry Limited ((Borgatti, pp.991). In addition to cataloging and describing the key levers for organizational change, it is also useful to describe how these things can or should be changed and under what conditions. This is where many frameworks fall short. Due in part to the difficulty of describing such a complex web of relationships as well as the challenge of finding empirical evidence for such linkages, many organizational models suffice to outlining lists of effectiveness factors and their connection to individual, group, and organizational performance. Key contingencies and questions of alignment are often missing from change frameworks.

Change in the Thomas Industry

As the world becomes more connected and interdependent, information and communication is made to be instantaneous and omnipresent, computing power becomes faster and more ubiquitous, and climate change and energy usage become global imperatives, large organizations must respond in turn ...
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