Organizational Learning And Knowledge

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The Relationship between Organizational Learning and Organizational Knowledge and the Affect of Knowledge Management on Organizational Learning and Organizational Knowledge

The Relationship between Organizational Learning and Organizational Knowledge and the Affect of Knowledge Management on Organizational Learning and Organizational Knowledge

"All men by nature desire knowledge".

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC), Metaphysics

In organizations or industries, the relationship between learning and knowledge has been examined in order to better understand worker's tendencies to learn work by senior staff members without developing any understanding of what they are doing. In modern world, articulating how procedures and concepts interact is critical to an understanding of how development occurs (Kramer, 2007). In organizational learning, both the learning of concepts and the acquisition of procedural skill are well-studied, but the relationship between them after successful acquisition is not. In business, the question of the relationship between knowing and learning has a very rich past. (Kim, 1993)

In this essay I have chose the quote that I have mentioned above is reflecting the theme of my work. With the help of this quote, I examine how knowledge of procedures and concepts has been studied and what conclusions have been reached about the relationship between organizational learning and knowledge. From the collected evidence, it appears that little useful theory has been developed to explain how organizational knowledge and organizational learning are related. I then postulate reasons for this deficiency and suggest alternative ways in which this topic can be conceptualized and studied.

Some of this knowledge can be termed technical - knowing the meaning of technical words and phrases, being able to read and make sense of economic data and being able to act on the basis of law-like generalizations. Scientific knowledge is 'propositional'; it takes the form of causal generalizations - whenever A, then B. For example, whenever water reaches ...
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