Homeland Security leverages resources within Federal, state, and local governments, coordinating the transition of multiple agencies and programs into a single, integrated agency focused on protecting the American people and their homeland. More than 87,000 different governmental jurisdictions at the federal, state, and local level have homeland security responsibilities.
Those agencies making up the Department of Homeland Security are housed in one of four major directorates: Border and Transportation Security, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Science and Technology, and Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection(www.ndu.edu).
The Border and Transportation Security directorate brings the major border security and transportation operations under one roof, including: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, whose top priority is to keep terrorists and their weapons from entering the United States. CBP prevents narcotics, agricultural pests and smuggled goods from entering the country and also identifies and arrests those with outstanding criminal warrants. The Transportation Security Agency protects the nation's transportation systems by ensuring the freedom of movement for people and commerce. The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) trains agencies in support of homeland security while the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service provides leadership in ensuring the health and care of animals and plants. This agency improves agricultural productivity and competitiveness and contributes to the national economy and the public health. The Office of Domestic Preparedness (G&T) is a component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Preparedness Directorate, responsible for preparing the nation against terrorism by assisting states, local and tribal jurisdictions, and regional authorities as they prevent, deter, and respond to terrorist acts. G&T provides a broad array of assistance to America's first responders through funding, coordinated training, exercises, equipment acquisition, and technical assistance.
The Emergency Preparedness and Response directorate oversees domestic disaster preparedness training and coordinates government disaster response. It brings together: FEMA who's mission within the new department is to lead the effort to prepare the nation for all hazards and effectively manage federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates proactive mitigation activities, trains first responders, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program. Other agencies under the Emergency Preparedness and Response directorate include: Strategic National Stockpile and the National Disaster Medical System (HHS), Nuclear Incident Response Team, Domestic Emergency Support Teams, National Domestic Preparedness Office.
The Science and Technology directorate utilizes all scientific and technological advantages to secure the homeland. The following assets are part of this directorate: CBRN Countermeasures Programs, Environmental Measurements Laboratory, National BW Defense Analysis Center, and Animal Disease Center.
The Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection directorate analyzes intelligence and information from other agencies (including the CIA, FBI, DIA and NSA) involving threats to homeland security and evaluate vulnerabilities in the nation's infrastructure. It brings together: Federal Computer Incident Response Center (GSA), The National Communication, The National Infrastructure Protection Center, and the Office of Energy Assurance who main missions are to improve the reliability and security of critical energy infrastructure, assist State and local governments and the private sector to recover from disruptions in the energy ...