Organizational Behaviour

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Organizational Behaviour Assignment

Organizational Behaviour Assignment


The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the Organizational Behaviour of Saudi Fuel Company Limited established in 2003. Organizational behaviour is the study and application of knowledge about how people are individual and group behaviour in organizations. It also seeks to identify ways in which individuals can act more effectively. Organizational behaviour helps entrepreneurs observe the behaviour of individuals in the organization and facilitates the understanding of the complexity of the interpersonal relationships in which people interact. The owners are the well known oil business family and the company stated with 6 stations the capital city of Saudi Arabia, when started has only general manager and operation manager and personnel manager and accounts manager. In 2006 the company stated to expand to 80 station within 4 years when they got a financial support from their father who is chairman of all companies which is owning (transportation company, travelling tour company, and firms and of them is Saudi Fuel.

The external business environment has an impact on every organization. There are certain factors in the external environment and surroundings that cause these changes, these factors are known as external factors of business environment. The organization has to deal with these external changes and make up polices and strategies which help them in overcoming the negative impacts. The organization which keeps itself up to dated regarding the environmental changes climbs the ladder of success.

Analysis of Organisational Structure of Saudi Fuel Company Limited

Organizational behaviour is the study and application of knowledge about how people are individual and group behaviour in organizations. It also seeks to identify ways in which individuals can act more effectively. Organizational behaviour helps entrepreneurs observe the behaviour of individuals in the organization and facilitates the understanding of the complexity of the interpersonal relationships in which people interact.

The company now has a president and general manager and financial manager and accountant manager and HR manager and operation manager with 12 supervisors and 12 money collectors from stations. Today it has become one of the larger company specialized in oil marketing in all Saudi Arabia, as today they are running 168 station in all over the kingdom. Saudi Fuel Company Limited now is emphasizing to business and investing based on current perceptions of long-term rates of return invests in R&D, for a better outcome and satisfactory results. While the restructuring companies are focusing inwardly on improving returns in existing and Exxon and Shell are making long-term decisions about the attractiveness of the oil business. Saudi Fuel Company Limited has forged a definitive and positive view on the oil business. In order to compete it must have the necessary scale. While this is clearly true in the downstream businesses, the jury is still out upstream. Of course, Saudi Fuel Company Limited had to go through the restructuring phase. In fact, some may argue it is still in it. But Saudi Fuel Company Limited has addressed its principal problems one at a time and has essentially ...
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