There are different types of organization and associations related to the field of sports. Some of the major and most common examples are that of clubs related to special interests, physical education department at elementary school level and high school level, physical education department of colleges and universities, special schools and faculties involved in sports, athletic and recreational units of institutions, government and other regulatory authorities of sports, sports bodies and associations involved at local, regional and international level. There are also certain professional clubs that are opened privately and commercialized. On the other hand some non profit or trust associations also offer private club and sports facilities to the people of community (Jackson, 1987). According to Etzioni organization make up an important part of everyone's life. A person is born in an organization like hospital or society, educated in organization like school, work and earn their living through an organization. Majority of us also end up playing for or in an organization. Even a country and society as a matter of fact an organization in itself and organizations are as old as the department or job of administration ((Etzioni, 1964). According to Parsons and organization is defined as “a social system which
is organized for the attainment of a particular type of goal (Parsons, 1960). Etzioni identified schools, armies, hospitals, churches, ethnic groups etc. as organization excluding friends and family groups. While organization helps in achievement of a common goal organization chart helps in meeting the objective effectively and plays an important supporting role (Etzioni, 1964).
Organization structure and chart of any organization is the graphical and formal presentation of an organization and is helpful in determining the role, responsibities and authorities of people working in a particular organization. The boxes of organization chart presents the functions or the departments while the lines in between the boxes define the relationiship between the functions and departments. The responsibilities of assigning the job duties and resoponsibilities in an organization remains wit h the executives or higher management people. As explained before that organization are formed for the main purpose of achieving a certain goal and organization chart helps in the attainment of organizational goals in an effective manner. It also helps in removing any faults if there are in terms of duplication of the jobs which may result of waste of resources and efforts. Organization structure provides useful information to the higher management people like chief executive and managers to get a clear and conceptual pictures of the organization as a whole. The structure is very important in providing important information such as explaining the span of control. Span in any organization means the number f employees that are in direct reporting line of the manager. In many sports organization the ideal number of employees that must be reporting to any manager must not exceed 6. Six employees reporting an executive of a diverse and complicated department such as parks or other recreation unit of any ...