Organisational Management

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Organisational Management

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Organisational Management


The case study of Rowanbuild PLC demonstrated a problem regarding Organisational management. John Grey is a competent manager, and Rowanbuild PLC chairman asked him to answer Mr. DiMeo about why productivity is poor. After, assessing the Organisation and employee behaviour, he came to known that there is no problem with work design but the actual problem exists in team leadership due to communication gap in an Organisation.


The Organisation structure clearly demonstrates the gap in the communication exists in an Organisation resulted in poor productivity. From below organigram, it is quite obvious that there is no coordination among departments and departmental heads or leaders are only concern about their own department. This lack of communication between departments leads to low or poor productivity (Yaseen, 2010: 63 - 70).

John Grey was called by the Chairman and asked to answer Mr. DiMeo why productivity is poor. Grey employed democratic leadership style to assess the problem. The democratic leadership of John Grey helps him in inspiring better cooperation among managers of different departments in an Organisation. This style helps in gaining employee commitment. When employees believe that their suggestions are important to an Organisation they eventually start participation in the process of decision making, as in case of Rowanbuild PLC (Lwehabura & Matovelo, 2000: 263-269).

There are two significant elements essential for innovation in the work environment. These include visionary employees and supportive managers. In this case study, the departmental head are creative but there is a deficiency of supportive managers in an Organisation that ultimately results in low productivity due to lack of morale and motivation. Mainly, because the way to encourage participation and creativity within the Organisation, in order to facilitate the process of participation in the form of shared ideas, employee creativity is considerably enhanced under the support of the democratic leader, such as John Grey.

John Grey work with his employees to establish feasible goals that are unobtainable goals under directive leadership style. One of the key reasons behind poor productivity is the autocratic leadership styles. John Grey accomplished through employing SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) goals. SMART goals can only achieve in collaboration with Organisation members. The prior practice of Rowanbuild PLC illustrate that goals are directed to employees; however, the process of SMART goal entails open communication between employees and managers in order to find out the preeminent way to set objectives that employees may anticipate achieving.

The leadership style of John helps in building, supporting and dissipating team spirit his staff. Whereas, democratic leadership of Grey may be one of the most effective leadership styles; this style is appropriate for this situation faced by Rowanbuild PLC. John's leadership style is a very collegial and open style of running a team. Under this leadership style, ideas are freely and openly discussed within the Organisation. John Grey provides everyone is provided a seat for discussion is comparatively free-flowing and every manager was provided with equal opportunity to ...
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