Organisation And Management

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Organisation and Management


Faced with increasing competition in a world where distance no longer an obstacle, companies today are struggling to maintain and develop their presence on the international market. Internet, advances in communication and the disappearance of trade barriers have led to a new global market and with it, with enormous market potential. However, this new international environment has its challenges.

The world is a comprehensive cultural shift as a result of the rapid technical development in various fields, creating the need for breadth of knowledge in the management of businesses and organizations through globalization and economic openness that make large companies play a key role in the global economy. This in turn has made ??training and development is necessary for the continuation of the business strategies and updated by supplying them with modern concepts of the construction work effectively and creativity. Evolution significant happening in the world the latest radical change in business strategies and gave it new dimensions.

Problems in managing the family business is quite different from the same problems do not family business. When close relatives work together, emotions often interfere with business decisions. In some family companies, the issue is control of daily activities. The other problem is the high turnover of non-family personnel. Still others, there is a problem of growth, as some relatives do not want to reinvest in business profits. This article examines these issues from the perspective of a family member who is the head of the firm. It offers solutions that should help you efficient and profitable business management.

When the business is invested their own money, you appreciate their independence. "This is my business" - you say to yourself, good times and bad. However, in the family firm: "This is our business. Conflicts arise often, because relatives are looking at business from different points of view. Those relatives who are silent partners, shareholders and directors, see only dollar signs when judging the cost of capital, development and other important tasks. Those who are involved in the daily activities of the firm, judge important challenges in terms of production, marketing and manpower needed to company's success. Naturally, these two terms may be in conflict rather often. These natural causes of the conflict may be reinforced by family members who do not have talent in dealing with money or business. Sometimes it's weak offspring of the founder company-sons and daughters who lack business acumen. In general, the management problems faced by the head of the family business, the same as the owner-manager of any other small business. But the work managing the family business is complicated by the fact that he needed to reconcile relatives with the facts of the market, production and accounting (Aronoff & Ward, 1995, pp. 49-51).

The below paper will discuss the organization and management of family owned business and global consulting firm and will thoroughly discuss the various aspects of the two businesses.

Organizational Design and Structure

The structure of an organization is all the means used to ...
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