Operational Plan

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Operational Plan Assessment

Profitability menuOperational Plan Assessment


Operational planning tends to extract its roots from the operations management. Moreover, the operational planning is also stringed to the operation, design, and development of the systems that deliver and create the organization's primary services and products. Like marketing and finance, Operations management is a practical field of business with apparent line management responsibilities. The operation management by a company it refers to the management of business operations and managing the business recourses efficiently in order to minimize the cost and maximizing the profit of the company (Broadbent 2002, 45). Therefore the operational management system of the company helps the company in managing their business operations. It is essential for any organization to manage its functions properly in order to compete and remain a dominant force in market. Because the operation management is as important as other functions, the operation management refers to the management of all the operations related to the organization.

No organization will be successful if they were not managing their operational functions properly. The operation management of all the organizations is important because the operations of the organization are directly related to its cost. Operation Management allows the organization to develop a business plans by inculcating different players on the same page. That business plan to judge the suitable areas for the expansion of the business or the areas which needs more attention. The companies need to evaluate their financial stability that the company has a sufficient financial fund to develop its operations into the new market that they are going to enter, and also it is important for the company to check that if they had enough funds to expand their business in the long run (Fenich 2007, 43). Operation management tends to look upon the areas of their daily operations whether it is the production or any other department. Thus, in the context of the paper we intend to discuss different elements of operational planning from the perspective of the hospitality industry.



Our Mission is to inject a new spirit in the modus operandi of a hotel, therefore, the key to it, is the formulation of a profitability menu. The menu will incorporate the latest notions of the modern times in the menu in order to attract the maximum consumers.

Factors Influencing the Plan: The following factors can influence the plan of cultivating a profitability menu.

Existing Notions: The hospitality industry has been given due importance nowadays, these are for profit, private the government hospitals, not for profit institutions, which have been, established to facilitate the public. In the hospitality industry it is important to have a formal structure for the project as well as for the project staff, this structure will help an individual to understand the clear view of the project, as well as it will help staff to understand their responsibility and their assignments, so it will become easy for the staff to achieve their project objectives and goals. Profitability menu tends to be related to the distinct ...
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