In today's world of technology consumers can socialize, network, find information, and make purchases however and whenever they want. They are also in total control over the information they want to receive which has created a challenge for the Marketer to get their message read. The consumer can turn their spam filter to high, fast forward through commercials on their recorded TV shows or delete messages without even looking at them. This new 'techy' consumer has created a unique challenge for businesses to develop successful marketing programs that speak to the right audience, at the right time, and through the appropriate media. Using the Internet for marketing has opened up new ways to communicate with your audience but using it exclusively is not the answer to a successful marketing campaign. (Beynon-Davies P. 2004, 65-89)
Aim of the research
Aim of the research is to compar Online vs. direct marketing. As the possibilities surrounding the dawn of online marketing does not mean that print is dead. The tools used by the new techy consumer are not used by every consumer. Print's history of success can not be forgotten. Current research and statistics show that direct mail marketing is still effective and remains a very effective marketing tool. According to the Direct Marketing Association's (DMA) 2006 Statistical Fact Book, direct mail marketing is the medium used by most Marketers. According to the DMA, in 2005 more than $54 billion was spent on direct mail advertising. That is almost three times the number that will be spent on online advertising in 2010.
Literature review
There are many consumers who do not have a computer and/or have regular access to e-mail and remain unsure and don't trust what is on the Internet. Everybody does, however, have a mailbox. Although there is a fair share of junk mail received everyday your piece has a chance to be seen and read. Your challenge is to make it stand out and interesting enough to be kept and looked at instead of being thrown in the 'recycle bin' on the way into the house. (Beynon-Davies P. 2004, 65-89)
Complaints associated with the Internet include downloading software, receiving unwanted ads and/or pop-up ads, requesting upfront personal information before you receive what your wanting, issues dealing with privacy, and the potential of fraud. The consumer who receives a direct mail marketing piece has the deciding power if they want to do business with you. Email spam filters keep marketing messages from reaching a target audience, unless the individual is already on one of your lists, so marketers can't assume that an e-mail is actually delivered. (Beynon-Davies P. 2004, 65-89)
With direct mail, you know that each piece is delivered with the opportunity to be read.
Email lists do not necessarily enable the Marketer to send out a broadcast message that reaches their target audience. Reaching their target audience, especially their 'niche market' remains a challenge. Direct mail lists provide Marketers the opportunity to ...