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Online Test

What international HR management challenges will you encounter in a foreign country? (Points: 25)

The biggest HR challenge in a foreign country is to provide support for executing strategies and business plans for implementing change. It is not easy task to provide support because local managers can not be easy convinced to implement global process and procedures. These managers are working far away from head quarters and do not have the same mindset and knowledge as of managers sitting at headquarters. Moreover, HR has to manage different types of tasks and issues with alliances and joint ventures. Mostly these alliances and joint ventures are with local companies and there is big difference in working procedures and behavior of multinational companies and local institutions. HR has to deal with people with different culture and social values and vast degree of adaption is required. It is another big issue because people are very much attached to their values thus require multinational to understand and respect their values. The effective tool to address these issues is to communicate with locals. However, multinational also encounter problems in communication because of language barriers.

2. (TCO ALL) How will you achieve global integration among global subsidiaries? (Points: 25)

The most important factor in achieving global integration among global subsidiaries is the effective utilization of expatriates. It is a fact that expatriates play a fundamental role in performing operations in foreign country. These individuals are supposed to implement and transfer corporate practices across global subsidiaries. Multinational company has to rely on performance of these individuals. Therefore, multinational HR has to develop a comprehensive process for selection and training of expatriates. It is fact that the factors of running a business varies from location to location and expatriates are responsible to deal with these factors. Hence, multinational need higher quality of expatriates to achieve global integration among global subsidiaries. There is a big need to higher local managers in top management so they could understand the global process and communicate with their subordinates.

(TCO ALL) How will you set the structure of your organization's global coordination? (Points : 25)

There are three perspectives that must be considered to develop a structure that ensures organization's global coordination. First, the competition level which the multinational companies are facing in different markets. Second, the quality of workforce that multinational has. Third, how these requirements can be filled under one definite structure. An effective structure is essential for the global coordination. It is a fact that multinational company is dealing with different markets and face different level of competition. Company has to respond to the need or demand of respective local markets. If the hierarchical level is centralized then local managers has to wait for instructions from head quarters and could not respond to the needs of local markets. The decisions of local mangers also depend on their knowledge and skills. Therefore, in making a decision relating to structure the degree of change in local's demand ...
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