Online Examination System Using Programming Languages
Table of Contents
Problem statement1
Project Structure2
System Analysis3
Review of paper based exams and existing online examination systems4
Literature review8
Software Engineering Model15
System design17
Online Examination System Using Programming Languages
The recent employment and eventual widespread acceptance of electronic test in examining students and various classes in UK has created a significant impact in the trends of educational history in the country. With the improvement of computer's technology, network's technology, examination techniques and methods, on line examination has become the most popular testing method. Online examination system is paperless examination system, which has its fairness, security, accuracy, flexibility, randomness, timeliness, convenience and other features. Also it's has been certified as an international method. Online paperless examination system combines the most advanced network technology and database technology, and it is an important application of CAI which in network age.
With the development of Internet technology, online education colleges and companies have developed a WWW-based distance education system. The traditional examinations are moving towards online exams based on Internet. With the development of computer technology and the increasing popularity of computers, online examinations are gradually becoming matured. Traditional test methods have been unable to meet current test demands. All aspects of traditional test can be reduced to one or two links by Online Examination, greatly reducing the workload of teacher
Problem statement
Electronic examination has been highly interested and suitable in both educational and pedagogical aspects. Examination is one of the best methods of evaluating the knowledge and ability of an individual. To this end, various methods has been employed in examining the ability of an individual, starting from manual means of using paper and pencil to electronic, from oral to written, practical to theoretical and many others.
The present information technology means of examining students is the use of electronic systems in place of manual or paper method which was characterized by massive examination leakages, impersonations, demand for gratification by teachers, bribe-taking by supervisors and invigilators of examinations.
The employers are conducting aptitude test for their job seekers through electronic means; the universities and other tertiary institutions are registering and conducting electronic examination for their students through the internet and other electronic and networking gadgets , various examination bodies in the country register their students through electronic means, recently electronic examination has been widely adopted by nearly all the UK University for post Unified Tertiary and Matriculation Examination (Post-UTME) otherwise called pre-admission screening. With these aforementioned and many more educational bodies engaging in electronic examination and registration for testing the ability of their candidates, which determine the future of this great country and our dear youth, there is need for serious examination of the system which has great impacts on the populace.
Project Structure
This project assesses students by conducting online objective tests. The tests would be highly customizable. This project will enable educational institutes to conduct test and have automated checking of answers based on the response by the candidates. The project allows faculties to create their own ...