The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the biggest disaster of its kind in the history of the business world. Natural processes and clean-up efforts have helped in cleaning of water surface. However, it may take many decades before the impact of this disaster disappears for good. Media played a very crucial role in creating awareness and forcing the possible culprits to take necessary actions. Many vital questions include the role of authorities, the ability and conscience of companies, response mechanism and other factors. The most crucial question and one that has been highlighted most frequently is the impact of oil; spill on the ecosystem surrounding the Gulf of Mexico.
According to BP, Halliburton has damaged the evidence of their involvement in Gulf of Mexico oil spill. While, BP is trying to control the damage, Halliburton is facing legal battle over the possible involvement in Mexico's Oil Spill.
A Gap analysis is a tool which is used to identify the difference between current performance and conditions against the desired performance of a condition. In this research paper, the Gap analysis will be conducted on the current efforts and results versus the desired efforts and results of conservation strategies, which are being applied in overcoming Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill.
Mexico oil Spill: BP vs. Halliburton
The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the biggest disaster of its kind in the history of the business world. Macondo well of BP blew out in Gulf of Mexico deep water. The blowout disaster is considered as more damaging than the Exxon Valdez spill and Ixtoc blowout in the coast of Mexico. Those crew members who were working at the drilling rig got injured, and eleven were killed. The livelihood of many workers was damaged including that of fisherman. Countless organisms and marine animals were killed. Many beaches and marches in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana were damaged. The media coverage around the world provided wide coverage to the damage and the disaster was eventually capped in July last year. Since the disaster, many lawsuits have been filed. Many hearings have taken place, and an investigation has been carried out by the US President. Congress has also taken note of the event (Griggs, 2011).
Quantifying of damages has begun since the occurrence of the disaster, however, it might take more time the settle these charges. According to the report, around 180 million gallons of oil, which is around 4.4 million barrels, was drained into the coast. Natural processes and clean-up efforts have helped in cleaning of water surface. However, it may take many decades before the impact of this disaster disappears for good. Media played a very crucial role in creating awareness and forcing the possible culprits to take necessary actions. Many vital questions include the role of authorities, the ability and conscience of companies, response mechanism and other factors. The most crucial question and one that has been highlighted most frequently is the impact of oil; spill on the ecosystem surrounding the ...