Observing relationships in early learning and care setting
Observing relationships in early learning and care setting
Early learning setting for a child today is a framework that is designed to describe how young children learn different things and develop over a period of time. It involves care centers, nursery schools and parenting centers and developing programs. The task is to design a coherent system for young children. Every child has the right to have a best childhood. The missionaries in the United States now have a vision to be a leader in the achievement of the social, intellectual and emotional potential of the children. The early childhood professionals play a crucial role in developing responsive environments for bringing up benefits to the children and their families. The crucial aspect is to realize the role that relationships play in nurturing a child and his development, self-esteem and self-concept.
The professionals have an important role to play for developing responsive relationships and environment. This environment is responsible for bringing up a child. This learning environment is beneficial for both the children and their families as it helps in nurturing a child's development, their senses, and self-esteem and makes them responsive.
In this paper, I shall explore the practices that are involved in designing, planning and evaluating early learning programs for children. In addition to that the various biases and the professional approaches shall be considered with an assessment scale where a child's growth is measured from time to time.
Evidence of responsive inclusive relationships
Children develop skills for succeeding in later life during the first five years. Evidence suggests that around 80,000 children in Washington lack basic language skills. This contributes to the children lagging behind. It is suggested that quality programs offer opportunities and a nurturing environment for the children. However, few children only receive these opportunities to develop (www.gatesfoundation.org). Many professionals and officials have come together to support early learning of the children and develop a coordinated system of learning and development. United States has been investing in systems that reap awards afterwards. It has been focusing over improving learning experiences for the children. It brings families and teachers together to track a child's progress and identify the areas that need improvements. It has set standards for coaching and mentoring.
From my observation, I found that a family plays a pivotal role in the development of a child. The next step is the teacher in a school. The teacher has to be warm and friendly enough for the development of a child (www.gatesfoundation.org).
Strategies for enhancing responsive relationships
Parent involvement
According to my observation, it is found that early development is shaped by day-to-day experiences and environments a child grows in. These are the pathways responsible for the development of a child as a whole. The brain has the capacity to learn and influence health. Genes develop the structure of the brain. When a child interacts with parents and others, it establishes circuits inside the brain that ultimately form the brain's architecture (www.children.gov.on.ca). The brain has the capacity to attend, ...