I have a hobby of reading books in my spare time, as I love to read different books and learning different things. As I had finished off with the book I was reading, recently, I visited a library to get a new one to read. Does it seem morbid to choose to read a book about grief? I spotted this slim volume - A Grief Observed - on the library returns shelf and drawn to the title which stood out as unusual. This book written by you. After reading a book, I had the desire to give you my own response regarding the book. Hence, I am writing this letter to let you know about what I thought of writing that you have presented in the book.
I like the element of chance involved in picking up a book recently selected by someone else for reasons known only to them. I hope that the person who borrowed it previously read it like me, out of curiosity rather than personal grief. Having only read Lewis's children's books I felt it might be interesting to read outside of my habitual reading scope, but with a familiar voice. A Grief Observed is an almost methodical title. It suggests abstraction as if the author is conducting analysis of another person's state of mind. However, this book is intensely personal. It reads like a diary and at the same time, a conversation. The reader comes to feel as if they are a true confident, trusted with Lewis's unique moments as he goes through the process of grief after the death of his wife, who referred only as “H”.
It written as a diary, or small notebooks he began writing after the death of his wife Helen of cancer, which tells how he feels every day. At first it seemed as if everything was against him, including God, but is mulling over time and will recover the confidence and greater support is as God. Personally I felt very identified with some of the thoughts he does, in fact, every one of them suggests a lot, and carry out own conclusions of what done in the case, and I would have been the same. In fact, I think I would have felt like it at first I do not know is whether it ...