This paper intends to discuss the significance of observation and participant observation. The related advantages participant observation offer in data collection along with the underlying limitations will be explored. The purpose of this paper is to provide a reflection on the process of observation, the reactions of elevator riders are observed for the purpose of this reflective paper. Important conclusions will be specified in relation with the learning of observation process and the actual observation conducted. A complete description of what I did, the findings, and an interpretation exploring the process will be provided in the paper. Learning from the experience of observing the elevator riders will also be provided for the purpose of making the reader aware about the significance of observation process.
Observation assumed to be the most important activity that human beings conduct. The basic purpose of observation is to receive knowledge of the outside world through the process of collecting data through sense or using various scientific instruments. Observation also refers to the data collection activity. Moreover, the observation process is define to undertake a visual study of something or some person in order to assess the behavior, trends or underlying changes (Bill, 2000).
The most important advantage of observation is that it allows the observers to make informed decisions and related adjustments. Moreover, the observation does not require the willingness of any person being observed. Another important advantage is that observations are normally free from all sorts of biasness. On the other hand, there are various limitations attached to the process of observations as well. The most prominent limitation is that observation tends to provide information only about the apparent things like their way of talking and walking (Art, 1968).
Observations do not provide an insight to the motivations and attitude formation aspects of the persons being observed. Moreover, observations are assumed to be extremely time consuming. It remains extremely important to realize that observational data is usually more expensive than any other kind of data mainly because of the levels of personal touch involved in it. Observing is an art and people are usually possessed with the art of observing people effectively and efficiently (John & Anne, 1986).
On the other hand, participant observation is one of the most important types of the data collection method. Participant observation is usually conducted in the qualitative researches. The field of anthropology largely depends upon the participant observation. Participant observation is basically referred to study and observe the behavior and attitudes of people through various activities. For instance, the productivity of salesmen can be accessed through participant observation (Kathleen & Billie, 2010).
Now moving on to my reflection related to the process of observing. I basically rode an elevator for almost thirty minutes observing people on two different occasions at a casino late night. My first observation took place on 22nd of September, 2012 at 11 p.m. I observed a couple entered in the elevator for the fourth ...