Observation Of Court

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Observation of Court

Observation of Court

Section A

I recently took a trip to the District Court Brisbane Court Located: 363 George Street, Brisbane (Queensland). Iobserved situations in civil matters. Iattended the court from 10am to 3pm on Monday February 28th. Iobserved everything from how situations were being managed and decided. The journey to the law court was bewildering for a minute because I got lost for a minute, but one time there everything went smoothly. When first going into the courthouse I was notified to take off steel objects from my body and to take off my footwear because they had metal hoops on them. IWent a through metal detector which is for the safety of the people, but makes you believe if you rights were being violated or not. Once through the detectors I preceded to the court room where Judge Bearden was presiding, he was an older gentleman that wore a black robe and glasses (Walker, 301).

Once in the courtroom I looked round to get a gaze around me. Iobserved that it wasn't a plush location to be or a snug location to be. They had wooden benches and seating for persons to sit on. When looking in front of me there was this high pedestal where the referee sat looking down on persons making you think that the judge was more powerful. The Prosecutor was sitting on the right in a suit and tie. The defendant was wearing casual apparel and had his attorney sitting next to him. Once the trial was getting begun the prosecutor became aggressive contending that the defendant was guilty and to give him the worst punishment the regulation allowed. The defence was in no contest that the defendant was guilty, but did ask the judge for some leniency on his client because he plans to plead guilty. When looking round the court room every person was clothed very casually and was clothed up in matches and ties. Iwas wearing a polo top and casual khakis. When going into the court room I didn't actually know what to anticipate because I had never been into one only what I have seen on TV. The court room wasn't all that impressive. Seemed like a actually boring location after a while because of all the paperwork that was being done. They had like five minutes of testimony and like twenty minutes of paperwork and made the court process appear like it takes forever. Overall the court scheme I believe works and that it was intriguing to see the process from the starting to end. The court trip was informative and eye opening to what happens when you break the law (Thompson, 13).

Observation of Court

This is a report describing an observation of a criminal court proceeding that I attended at Brisbane District Court, Queensland. In this report I will state the kind of hearing I observed and the charges against the defendant; state and identify who was present in the court room and produce a brief description ...
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