This paper aims to highlight the importance of the upcoming US presidential elections. The past four years have been really hard on America and Americans, their economy has suffered tremendously and their economic growth is nothing significant to write home about. Thus, this paper highlights the roles, state of the current elections in light of their proposed measures and how well is the public receiving them, and what chances does either of these candidates have to succeed. With the American economy facing its worst economic crisis since the great depression, is in state of war with many countries. Have troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, the wars that are still not over in many ways. Millions of Americans are facing debt crisis, medical and personal insurance issues and are out of work. The presidential elections of 2012 can very well qualify as the most pivotal elections in the United States history. From the discussion, so far it the stark difference of opinion concerning America's future between the two presidential candidates, which is colossal, can easily be observed. The same can be said about the voters too, according to the current statistics both the candidates are battling in a close race in the polls for months now.
This year on the 6th November millions of Americans will be making the pioneer decision that would seal their fate for the next four years and the pertinent question at large is that would America's democratic President Obama would be able to win the office for the second term or not. From his last elections slogans of 'Yes. We Can' and 'Change', his second campaign promotes the message of going 'Forward' while his forerunner competitor, Governor Mitt Romney campaign camp is promoting the message of 'Believe in America'. Just like both the candidates election mandate, the public at large is too largely divided as to whom to choose as the suitable candidate for the office.
Who is going to win
According to the polls survey, there are bright chances for Barrack Obama to get re-elected in the 2012 election. The analysis of polls shows that Obama has polled as high as 49 percent while the favor for Romney has been declined in the previous week from 49 percent to 44 percent. This is not the only case which advocates the winning of Barrack Obama but the accomplishments of Barrack Obama during his tenure strongly backed this argument. This is the fact that there were many problems during the last four years but Obama's administration had taken concrete measures to address problems. The problems aroused during his last tenure are not the result of Obama administration and can be categorized as inherent problems. The US president prior to Barack Obama was G. W. Bush and there are certain evidences which prove that the administration of GW Bush were ineffective and left the American nation into crisis. The start up of wars was not the initiative ...