Nursing Standards Of Practice, Laws, Ethics And Rules

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Nursing Standards of Practice, Laws, Ethics and Rules

Nursing Standards of Practice, Laws, Ethics and Rules


Whenever an individual suffer from any sort of illness he or she relies on health service providers. Various members of the health care setting play their part in improving mental and physical well being of an individual. The most significant components of health care service providers are nurses. “Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon”. These are the words of Dag Hammarskjold (the ex-President of USA) truly expressing the importance of the role of a nurse. Nurses play their integral role in facilitating a patient effectively and efficiently. This paper revolves around the professionalism of nurses. The paper discusses the nursing rules, ethics, and other legal requirements that should be followed by the nurses.

Professional Behaviour in Nursing

The practice of professional nursing as performed by a registered professional nurse for compensation or gratuitously means the process in which substantial knowledge derived from the biological, physical, and behavioural sciences is applied to (Fagermoen, 1997): the care, diagnosis, treatment, counsel and health teaching of persons who are experiencing changes in the normal health processes or who require assistance in the maintenance of health or the prevention or management of illness, injury or infirmity; administration, supervision or teaching of the process as defined in this section; and the execution of the medical regimen as prescribed by a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery or a person licensed to practice dentistry.

Nursing standards of practice

The code of admirable nurse practice applies to my role in this cases study. According to the code of ethical nurse practice, the nurses and doctors should practice with honesty, respect and integrity and complies with the code of ethics. They advocate protecting the patient's rights autonomy, privacy, respect, access the information on and dignity. The practitioners assume the responsibility to ensure that their relationships with the patients are professional and therapeutic. They advocate for the practice environment that have the human or organizational support system and the resource allocation important for competent, safe and ethical nursing care (Staunton, Why burn B, 2007).

Nursing code of ethics

Nursing and Ethics go hand-in-hand, when it comes to providing quality care to patients at a hospital or at a community service centre. Delivering quality care to patients is one of the most important disciplines of ethics, which must be practiced with great zeal and attention. The mission of nursing in society is to help individuals, families and groups to identify and realize their full potential physically, mentally and socially and to do so in the context of the environment in which they live and work, all that while keeping a very strict code of ethics. This requires that nurses learn and perform functions related to maintaining and promoting health; as well as prevention of disease. Nursing also includes the planning and implementation of curative and rehabilitative care and concerns the physical, mental and social life in that they affect health, ...
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